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I am so sorry for being gone for so long I really am. I was sick for a while and for a bit my wifi wasn't working and then we went on vacation and don't even get me started on my phone. I am having a curse of writers block so if this chapter is bad I apologize in advance. :( sorry.

Mikes P.O.V.

Ever since Vincent left the note in our house, don't let your guard down, everyone has been feeling restless. Especially Jerebear, who is always shaking and stuttering and dark circles are forming under his beautiful eyes from lack of sleep. I tried to calm him down by hugging him and stroking his hair, and it usually worked, for a whole 10 minutes.. "MIKE GET IN HERE" An panicked female voice interrupted my train of thoughts, Verity. She is usually pretty laid back, so I wonder what happened to make her upset. Running into the living room, a blast of chilly air slaps my face and I notice the window has been broken... odd. Even odder is Verity on the floor, shaking and staring into nothing.... or was it nothing? I spring over to her and notice the blood-stained note in her hands. I leave it as second-priority and help Verity into a sitting position, and snap my fingers in front of her good eye, making her jump to attention, the moment her eyes focused on mine, she grabbed my arms with incredible force, making me jump. An indecipherable babble of words streamed from her mouth, "Mikemikeweneedtohelphimhewastakenbytheeviloneand... andweneedtohelphimitsalreadytoolatebutweneedtohelphimmikehelphimsavehimsavehim." Her eyes were wide and it was freaking me out, this was not the Verity I know. "Verity calm down and tell me what happened." I get out slowly while bringing her ice-cold hands off of my arms, and she shoves the note in my face, a copper-metallic smell from the blood radiated off of it. The note read: She wasn't supposed to live, i'm going to even the score. Verity's panic just kept my worry growing, "Verity where is Jeremy?" I asked worried, she looked to the window. Suddenly calm, her ominous words sounded like a prophecy more than a regular statement. "He won't be able to take it like I did. That boy is still just a kid."

Verity's P.O.V.

I was certain Jeremy's fate was sealed, that child is so fragile and hollow. He was not one to fight when confronted, he just froze. Unlike me, there is a reason the purple guy couldn't break me, you can't break what is already broken... I will find Jeremy and save him, I heard what purple guy said, and I've been thinking about it. It is possible we could be related, who knows? Maybe I heard wrong about the accident. But then- "Verity please answer me." A voice jumps into my mind, Mike. "What was the question?" I ask, turning towards him. He was on one knee with the note clutched tightly in his hands and his demeanor shaky. He looks towards me with those piercing eyes, "I said, do you know where he might be?" I thought about it, purple guy is a fugitive from the police, so he couldn't go anywhere public... "What about the place he put me?" I wonder aloud, but I have no idea where that is, and Mike knows that. He groaned and stood to his feet. "Maybe Freddy's!" I burst out, "I mean- he was there a while ago, and the guy can't be anywhere near police, and the back room is perfect for-" I cut myself off before I continued the sentence, saying the word might make it real. Mikes face filled with horror and without hesitation he sprinted out to the front hall, leading outside.


A Jeremike Romance {completed} (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now