Chapter 16..

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*in tired voice* Sorry I haven't been updating too much guys i've just been feeling a bit under-the-weather if you know what I mean. But it did rain today which means clouds which means no bright sunrise which means no cat at my windowsil which means I can sleep in this long weekend. (re-read that if you didn't get it.) Sooooooo i'll try to update more if I can, but i'm very tired so sorry if it's a bad chapter.

Mike's P.O.V.

I felt awful, we lost Verity, and work starts soon, i'm torn. Jeremy, on the other hand, is totally fine, for some reason. He keeps saying we shouldn't worry and Verity can take care of herself. Very unusual of him. I decided to go to work, and look for Verity later, as now she would probably still be running and hiding. (*flips table* WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO DIFFICULT VERITY, YOU KEEP MESSING UP THE PLOTLINE. Verity: You're the writer.. Me: I AM TIRED AND ANGRY VERITY DO NOT MESS WITH ME) 

------Le time skip to after work brought to you by Scott Cawthon being confusing------

We ran into the woods behind our backyard. I saw a path of broken branches and followed them to a giant tree. It was huge. I looked up at a tree fort mad of wood in the branches further up, no... she didn't.. did she? I climbed the tree, my red hoodie getting scratched, until I reached an entrance made of more wood. I knocked on the door and looked down at Jeremy, who was looking worried but still adorable from up here. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "Go away." A trembling voice came from within, I opened the door. "I SAID GO AWAY" A giant piece of.. something came flying at me, I quickly ducked and watched it sail over my head to land on Jeremy, He rubbed his head and glared at me. "Verity calm dow-" "GO THE FRICK AWAY MIKE BEFORE I FRICKEN SHOVE YOU OUT THE FRICKEN DOOR AND FRICKEN BREAK YOUR FRCIKEN NECK!" I went in.

Verity's P.O.V.

"You're an idiot." I glared at Mike, I just threatened to break his neck and whoop-de-doo, He comes into my house. He sat in the corner parallel to me, "Listen, I know I made you mad, but-" "MAD? YOU THINK THAT'S WHY IM HERE? NO MIKE. NOT EVEN CLOSE." I turned away so He couldn't see me crying, noone should ever see me cry, crying is weakness, I could not afford weakness. He came a step closer. I threw everything in the vincity at him, He yelled, grabbing his stomach. "IM JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU KNOW!" I was taken aback, noone ever tried to help me. "NO YOU'RE NOT, YOU JUST FEEL GUILTY. YOU NEED TO KNOW THAT IM FINE AND YOUR PETTY POSESSIVE TRAITS ARE SATISFIED, YOU NEED TO KNOW IM IN YOUR CONTROL, WELL I GOT NEWS FOR YOU BUDDY, NEVER HAPPENING. I AM FREE TO DO WHAT I WANT WITHOUT YOUR INTERFERENCE OR HELP." Now HE looked taken aback. "Verity that is not true." He said simply. "I am here because i'm concerned for you, I like you, you're a good friend and I feel like you need some good friends in return." I looked up at him, He just looked sad now, He was looking out at Jeremy on the ground, waiting. I picked at my bandages, nervous habit I guess. He thought I was a good friend? I hurt Him physically many times and have threatened to kill him, ever since I met Mike and Jeremy I've been tortured and almost killed, how was that a good friendship? Then I remember the good stuff, like when we beat our first night together, and I was teasing him with the Jeremike thing. I smiled a bit when I remembered that. Also now I will have to go with Him.. Him and Jeremy won't leave me now they know i'm homeless, and I AM NOT GOING TO FOSTER CARE. I sighed and started to pack my stuff in a bag, not that I had much, He looked at me in shock. "what are you doing?" "Well if you want me to live with you i'll need my stuff,"

Sorry for the short chapter guys! As previously stated, im tired and my butt hurts from sitting on the floor for so long. So does my back. I will try to update more this long weekend, HAPPY EASTER I LOVE YOU ALL! 

A Jeremike Romance {completed} (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now