Getting Jeremy Back

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Hello all my beautiful readers! Today the sun is shining and the tank is clean and the... oops. Mike- No Nemo References!! Me- :( y u do dis.. Vincent: I think the two parties shes been to in the last 24 hours have lightened her mood. Me- :3



Jeremy's P.O.V.

What the- why am I tied up? "HEY! UH, IS-IS ANYONE THERE?" I yelled out, starting to shake for no reason. At least, that's what I thought. I felt as if I was being watched, and a chill went down my spine. My head was aching and I tried to recall what had happened in the last few hours, or days... weeks? My entire memory was empty of other than two things.

Mike and Verity.

Verity's P.O.V.

"C'mon Mike drive the da*n car faster!" I yelled out in frustration, slamming my hand against the window. "Well it's not my fault that the speed limit is 40 miles an hour! We can't be arrested before we find Jeremy!" I huffed again. Stupid rules. Stupid laws. They were getting between my brother and I. "AGH!" I screamed, panic was starting to set in, Purple guy wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty and I have a feeling that He means to "even the scores" with a little blood.

Jeremy's P.O.V.

A deep, maniacal chuckle started at one corner of the room, growing in volume and insanity until the entire room was filled with the sound and I couldn't get it out of my head. I began to scream and tried to cover my ears, but the musical harmony of insane laughter and tortured screaming only pierced its way through my bonded hands. This lasted a few minutes until my voice gave out, and I couldn't do anything but hold my ears in pain while the laughter slowly died. A light flickered on, and I saw I was in a small, dank room. "Your sister was a little more... composed." That voice, that voice I would know anywhere. The Purple Guy- no, Vincent! The one who killed my siblings and tortured my long-lost sister. I began trembling. This was not going to end well.

I wanna write more but Im going to go see the Avengers, Age of Ultron. Byeeeeeee!!! :) I love you all!

A Jeremike Romance {completed} (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now