The Vigilante IV

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It was reckless.

Purposely baiting the Vigilante to appear in front of her by walking into a busy road swarming with vehicles.

Mere seconds before her life could have ended, strong arms grabbed her and pulled her to the side.

As the hooded man embraced her while bracing the impact of landing on the sidewalk, she sneakily planted a microchip tracker on his sleeves.

When he looked at her face to ask whether she was alright, Yaya saw his eyes.

They were his. Those eyes belonged to her husband.

And she watched those eyes froze. Brown, tender eyes, staring hard at her face.

Immediately, he let her go and fled. Just like the other day.

But she wouldn't let him go that easily this time.


Five hours.

He's been running around for five hours. Walking between the crowd. Switching from one street to another. Roaming around the city in circles.

Because he knew.

His wife wouldn't have done something as stupid as stepping into a busy road without a reason.

She was baiting him to come out.

And he foolishly took the bait.

He knew his witty wife would do something as cunning as planting a tracker on him.

However, over the past five hours, he's been trying to search for it by occasionally stopping at the men's restroom or heading into a store's fitting room. Yet, nothing. He couldn't find anything out of the ordinary.

The Vigilante stepped into a dark ally, completely deserted without anyone around. He was growing tired of walking around aimlessly.

The Vigilante sighed. Once again, he patted himself down to search for the tracker. The smart thing to do was to definitely get rid of the hoody he was wearing all together. However, the hoody was the best thing he had at the moment to disguise himself and blend in with the crowd, and he didn't bring enough change to buy a new one.

He didn't find it this time either. He sighed in defeat. "She must have completed that invisible microchip tracker she was working on a year ago"

"Yes. I did"

Eyes wide open in recognition, heart beating rapidly in fear, the Vigilante turned and looked behind him.

A figure walked slowly towards him. The sound of her heels clicking against the ground loudly as silence overtook him. The dark alley casted a shadow over her, making it hard for an average person to guess who it was from afar.

However, he couldn't even pretend to not recognise the figure even if he wanted to. He'd seen it since he was a naive child and grew up with it until they both were mature, young adults. He's grown familiar with it especially since they devoted to one another through their marriage.

It's been a year since he properly saw her like this. The person he left behind because of his insecurity. The person he didn't deserve to be with due to how useless he has become.

His wife, Yaya.

A chuckle escaped his lips. "You've finally caught up to me. I was wondering when you'll finally confront me"

He was hoping that she would lighten up from his small joke, just like how they used to banter all these years. How they would tease one another mercilessly.

However, the woman in front of him didn't share the same sentiment at the moment.

She had a hard look on her face. Eyes observing every inch of him. There was something like disbelief as she stopped walking and stared at him. "....Boboiboy?"

He hadn't heard that name in over a year. His real identity, not the Vigilante facade he kept up all this time. Seeing that hopeful face in front of him, he did something he never planned to do.

He pulled off the hoodie over his head, took off the mask covering his face, and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"It's really you.."

A tear spilled from her eye, which she roughly wiped away with her hand.
"Why are you doing this?"

He looked away. He wanted to avoid her gaze.

"You wouldn't understand"

"Then make me understand"

Hurt was evident in her voice. She stepped closer towards him, daring herself to reach a hand out towards him. Wanting to convince herself over and over again that he was still alive. That he was right there in front of her.

Yet, he pushed her arm away. Harsh.

He watched as the hope in her eyes crumbled. Pain and misery etched in every corner of her face. Her eyes glassy as grief began to overwhelm her.

"Do you not love me anymore?'

He kept quiet, refusing to let her know what was really going on in his head. On one hand, he wanted to just confess there and then that he still loves her, that no matter how hard he tried to forget her, she would still be the only thing running in his head.

However, on another hand, the dark voice kept telling him that it wasn't time yet. That he hasn't proven himself worthy to be with her yet. That he was still weak and unable to protect her.

Brushing off her question, he turned around, purposely letting her face his back instead. He could hear her wanting to say more, but he cut her off before she could.

"I think it's better for you if you leave"

With that, he walked away, not even giving a glance towards her.

Not knowing that he severely broke the heart of the person he loved so dearly.


It was getting dark.

She realised this, but she still couldn't find the will to pick herself up from the ground. It's been three hours since.

The moment he walked away without even throwing a glance towards her, disappearing into the shadows, leaving her all alone, she lost her strength.

Her legs fell out beneath her, leaving her slumped on the ground. Her mind replaying what had happened over and over again. Her husband's words repeating over and over again, her mental fortitude chipping away every time she recalled how cold his voice had been.

How he didn't answer that dreadful question and left her hanging.

How she now didn't know whether he still loved her or not.

A sob escaped. And another. And another.

The tears she was trying so hard to hold broke out of the dam.

It was useless. She lost him. She thought that she still had a chance to still be with him. But it was no use.

She cried. She screamed in agony. Voice raw with sadness, her heart broken of being left behind. Of the reality that she may never get back her Boboiboy.

Three hours since, her face felt crusty from the dried tears. Her throat sore from screaming and sobbing uncontrollably. She was exhausted, physically unwilling to pick herself up and leave this dark alley, mentally unable to comprehend the intense misery she was suffering.

Alas, nature was telling her to return home as the sun was setting and the wind was starting to pick up speed.

Yaya shivered as the breeze was getting colder. Deciding that it would be reckless to remain in this shady area, with much struggle, she was finally able to stand and began her miserable walk home.

As she trudged on the terrace, the same thought distracted her over and over again. "Was this the end?"

So distracted, extremely out of it, that her senses were too dull to notice the two large figures trailing her from behind.

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