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She was typing on the computer to finish up the report on a recent study. After her marriage,TAPOPS has been assigning her to more indoor duties such as research or strategy planning than outdoor missions on different planets. She had a feeling that a certain husband of hers has something to do about it, despite his denials.

Honestly, she didn't mind his protectiveness. It just made her fall for him harder. Although she does admit that she misses the thrill and excitement of going to a totally new planet or facing bad guys. It was a bit unfair that her husband was going out all the time and leaving his precious wife alone at the station.

Yaya stopped thinking about him when she realised a blunder in the report. She immediately focused on it and tried to restore the damage. She took a deep sigh. It's going to take longer than she thought. Her eyes focused back on the screen.

As she was calculating the average time taken for teleportation and stuff, Yaya was surprised when something cold pressed her cheek. She gave a surprised yelp and looked up,to see her husband with his cheeky smile. She didn't miss how his hand faintly glowed in icy blue colour,indicating that he somewhat froze her cheek for a bit. Yaya immediately pressed a palm to her cheek, relieved that it wasn't iced.

"Lunch?" Boboiboy said.

She grinned and gave him a peck on his cheek.

"Go ahead. I'll finish this report in a second" she turned back to the high tech screen,and continued the calculations and kicked in the data.

She didn't know how long it took, considering how she was too absorbed with the screen and not caring about anything else. Since her husband was an adult, she assumed that he already went to have lunch without her.

When she was finally satisfied, she smiled and saved her work. Yaya took a deep breath and stretched her sore limbs, relieved that she wouldn't have to face the screen for a while.

She stood up and checked her watch. Yikes! It's been an hour. No wonder she felt miserable.

That is,until a strong pair of arms pulled her flush into a hard chest.

Knowing the (only) person who dared to do that, she smiled and turned around, locking her arms around Boboiboy's neck.

He was taller than her, which annoyed her since she had to look up to stare into his eyes. His brown eyes bore into her, making her feel lost for a moment.

Thankfully, he kept her on track by kissing her in surprise.

After they pulled away, she licked her lips by force of habit, relishing the short sweet kiss they had.

She looked back into his eyes, noticing how his eyes darkened.

She was fully aware that he was leaning closer and his eyes were focused on his target.

Her breath hitched as their faces were merely inches apart.

She loved moments like these. The both of them just being dorks in love.

Unfortunately, she also remembered that they were at work.

And work has protocols.

Despite her reluctance, she held a finger up anyways, stopping his lips from its track.

He looked at her with confusion. "What are you doing?"

She giggled at his response. "We're not supposed to act lovey-dovey at work, honey " She told him and tried to pull myself away from him.

His hold on her became stronger and he refused to let her go.

A smirk appeared on his face.
"Auwww... Just a peck?"

She rolled her eyes playfully. "We both know that you weren't aiming for a peck"

She giggled further when he gave her a pout and his infamous puppy eyes.

She stared into his eyes, knowing full well that she never stood a chance against them.

Giving up, she leaned in and gave him the peck he asked for.

When she felt him wanting to deepen the kiss, she immediately pulled away, earning herself a groan if frustration.

"Despite how much I want to kiss you mercilessly in this lab room of yours, I actually have a surprise for you"

Yaya raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"We're going out on a date this evening. I called Commander while you were finishing your report. I asked permission to have the evening for ourselves" he explained.

"Really? And he let us?" She questioned him.

"Yup. We deserved it. We don't have anything urgent to do anyways. You completed your final report just now and I just finished my mission this morning. Better spend the evening with each other than at the station" he said.

Before she could reply, her heart sped up as he hooked his chin on top of her shoulder. He let his lips lingered near her ears "Besides. I miss you"

She pressed her lips as a blush quickly spread on her face.

He was right though. This week was particularly hard. They had been so busy with their own different works this past week that they didn't spend time with each other as much as they wanted to.

She only had the chance to meet him in their room at the station at night. If, they were lucky and weren't working overtime.

Despite working at the same place,it has been such a while since they worked together.

And she missed him too.

"Can't we ask for more mission together? I miss kicking butts out there"

Boboiboy's chuckled at her statement.
"I guess you're right. Missions aren't as fun without you around"

Her excitement grew at his words. "Can you tell that to the Commander, please? I'm growing sick of reports and paperwork"

Boboiboy mocked a shocked face and surprise in his voice. "What?? Nerdy Yaya is sick of paperwork"

She glared at him and slapped his chest playfully. "Hey! I didn't ask for them! And I strongly believe that you play a part in TAPOPS sudden attitude to sign me into inside jobs"

She grinned when he suddenly stuttered. "No...uhhh...what are you talking about?"

She pressed a hand to his cheek. "Honey, like you said. I'm a nerd. Which means that I'm veeeerrrryyyyy good in research"

She dragged her fingers to comb his messy strands of hair. "Even so, I'm YOUR nerd. And I appreciate your protectiveness"

A smile broke on his face. "You're right. It's unfair. I'll convince Commander to assign you back to outdoor missions"

Yaya grinned widely and cheered in excitement.

"Woah!!!" Boboiboy tumbled a bit when Yaya surprisingly jumped onto him, which led his to secure her from behind.

Yaya kissed him and her hands found itself on his neck. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

Boboiboy chuckled at her excitement. "I'm sorry for asking Commander to do so without consulting you"

"It's fine. I don't hate researching. I just need to get out once in awhile"

Giving her one last kiss on her forehead, he put her back on her feet. "Speaking about getting out, let's head to that date of ours, milady"

He held out his hand, which she accepted giddily, letting him lead her to that surprise date of theirs.

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