Blind VII

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Whenever someone asked him about his wife, it would always bring a smile to his face. She was beautiful. She was amazing. She was the best gift God has ever given him.

She made him smile.
She made him laugh.
She was loyal and his strongest support system.
She gave him strength and comfort that no one else ever could.
She never gave up on him, even if he messed up and lost confidence in himself.
She was his rock that stabilised his hectic and volatile lifestyle.
She was the love of his life.

He might lose all of that just because of one maniac.

Her current state broke a piece of him. The smile he adored was twisted into a frown which elicited hiss and growls. Her skin was pale, drained of any colour that indicates life. Her eyes were missing their hazel colour and the spark she always had in her soul. She writhed and struggled to break free. Her body wasn't hers anymore, rather, a mind-controlled creature forced to serve a petty human.

Ying sped past him as he stared dumbfounded.

This can't be happening.

He watched as Ying sat next to Yaya, frantic as she tried to reach out for her best friend.


A hiss stopped her move. Yaya writhed more harshly as she attempted to attack Ying albeit being pulled down by the shadow hands

"Yaya. It's me"

Yinv's voice broke as she uttered those words. She attempted to reach out one more time, but snatched her hand back as Yaya growled loudly instead. She held a hand to her mouth.

Boboiboy couldn't accept that Yaya might be gone forever.

Ying's broken sob was the first thing that brought him out of his shock. She held a hand to her mouth with tears in her eyes. "Boboiboy... I'm sorry"

Boboiboy shook his head. "No"

Fang placed a hand on his shoulder. "Boboiboy-"

"No!" He pushed the hand away and slumped down next to Yaya, ignoring her almost animalistic hisses and growling. "I'm not giving up on her! I can't!"


He glared at the both of them. How dare they accept that she was gone?

"Take care of Lucas-" He said sharply. "I recorded his confession with my smart watch. Enough evidence to throw him back in the cells. I'm not leaving without her"

The duo remained silent until Fang spoke up. "Okay, Captain. But I'm not releasing the shadow hands"

Boboiboy nodded, listening to their footsteps walking away from him. His eyes landed back on the woman's form.

Both of her hands were stuck to her side from being trapped by Fang's shadow hands. She was no longer writhing and hissing, but she stared at him back with eyes missing of her hazel orbs. In her rough attacks and trashing around, he noticed that her hijab was coming loose and stray hairs were peeking from underneath the scarf.

He spoke softly as his fingers tried to reach for them. "Hey"

He pulled back in surprise as Yaya growled at him in retaliation. "It's okay it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you"

He tried again but this time, gently. As his fingers moved, he spoke to somehow distract her and probably himself, from how heavy his heart felt to see his incredible wife reduced into this mind-controlled being for the sake of another human's insanity.
"I'm just going to fix your scarf. You'll probably scold me for not telling you that you have hair sticking out from it"

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