43 Questions with Yaya

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Ever heard of Vogue's 73 Questions?

To be fair, I'm not Vogue. So let's keep it to 43 Questions.

Today's celebrity is our darling Yaya.


Hey Yaya! Nice to meet you.

Nice to see you too.

Ready for our 43 Questions?

Ready as I'll ever be.

1. First question, where are we?

In my lab, where I was just developing a software to hack into security systems faster.

2. Which one do you prefer?
Lab work or on-site missions?

Depends. Most days lab work. But if I'm bored, on-site missions.

3. What's the first thing you see in the morning?

My husband

4. What's the last thing you see before going to bed?

My husband

5. What's your favourite thing to do in your free time?

Baking cookies. Do you want some?

6. Sure! Lead the way. Now, where are we going?

To my room, where I just finished a batch of cookies last night.

7. Great! What's the most annoying thing a person could do?

Being stupid

8. What's the most frustrating thing in the world?

Fang and Ying pretending to not have feelings for each other.

9. What's the most adorable thing you've seen in the world?

My husband when he sleeps.

10. What's one thing you wished your husband would stop doing?

Getting himself killed.

11. If you could have one more power, what would it be?


12. What's your tip for other hijabis  in your field of work?

ALWAYS, carry extra pin.

13. Is that your husband over there?

Why yes! Hi honey!

14. What is he doing?

In a meeting with our boss, probably discussing the details of our upcoming mission

15. How do you and your husband balance your marriage and work here?

By working together as a team.

16. What's the secret to a happy relationship?

Trust. Honesty. And laughter.

17. What's the cheesiest pick up line you've received from your husband?

Oh God he's always cheesy. But if I have to choose a favourite...

You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.

18. That's not even a pickup line but it's adorable. How about the cringiest?

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