Blind VII (finale)

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She blinked a few more times to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Making sure she wasn't seeing an illusion made up by her desperate brain.

Channeling the little energy she had left, she weakly lifted a hand to the cheek of the man holding her close.

She saw her hand get enclosed tightly by larger and tender fingers.


She saw him. Hair tousled messily from the battle. His cap swept aside at an odd angle. His hands around her, holding her close to his warmth. Brown eyes she missed so much staring back at hers with so much love and adoration. His face red from exhaustion and stained with tears.

Softly, her thumb traced over one of the many scratch marks that littered his cheeks.

She couldn't believe that she was seeing again.

Her voice trembled as she whispered, "Please tell me that this is real..'

She got her answer when lips met hers. Her arms went up further as she pulled him closer, missing her husband more than she could ever describe.

She pulled back abruptly, landing back on his lap while her hands stayed on both sides of Boboiboy's head, pulling his face near hers. Boboiboy looked back at her in surprise. Her sudden move scared Boboiboy, as she stared back at him dead in his eyes.

A tear slipped her eyes as she swiped a thumb gently on his cheek. Her lips shook but broke into a smile.
"I can see you"

Another kiss came and she took it fully. Arms around his neck as she held him tight, sobs and tears of relief accompanying the embrace.

She stilled when she felt her husband trembled from a sob as well. Pulling back, she straightened her back to look at him properly before placing a hand gently on his cheek.

Tears glistened in his eyes as he spoke in a whisper. "I thought I lost you"

Her heart broke and she pulled him tighter. Hugging him with his face burried in her neck.

"I'm here. I'm not leaving" she said softly. In reply, Boboiboy pressed one last kiss to her cheek before nuzzling her nose.

"Don't you ever, scare me like that again"

She smiled sadly. "I'll try"

Boboiboy offered a sombre smile as well, knowing deep down that it would be impossible to not be afraid for one another. They were heroes. They would always be in constant danger. It was their duty to protect others, especially the power spheres.

They love each other, but with love, comes lost. It hurts, but it's worth it.

For now, they were grateful that they hadn't lost each other. Grateful that they could still hold one another and mutter sweet nothings to calm the other down.

After one more kiss, Boboiboy gently helped Yaya up. "You think you can walk back to the ship?"

Yaya took a step forward but immediately felt herself lose balance. Thankfully, Boboiboy stopped her from falling face flat to the ground.
"Whoa. No walking for you it seems, milady"

Yaya yelped in surprise when Boboiboy lifted her, bridal style. He carried her towards the ship, which had just landed thanks to Gopal and Ochobot.

Boboiboy started to ramble on about how they needed to get her a doctor when they arrive back at the station.  He even continued that he hoped the others would handle Lucas on their own as he intended to give his full attention on focusing on her recovery.

Normally, Yaya would stop his ramblings as he had a habit to do so when he was apprehensive.
But with exhaustion seeping in and how comfortable his hold was, she didn't have the energy to deny him.

All that mattered, was that she was back in safe hands and she could stare at his beautiful face as much as she could.

Author's note

Finally. After almost a year. This blind one-shot is finished. Thanks to everyone who loyally follows this one-shot and continue bracing the cliffhangers with admirable patience.

You guys are awesome.

Yes. This chapter is really an excuse for pure Boya fluff.

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