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She was cold.

She was freezing.

She hated the cold.

She wore a sweater, socks and two layers of fur blankets wrapped tightly around her.

But she still shivered.

Her breath came out in small puffs.

To make matters worse, TAPOPS sent her on a solo mission to negotiate with the leaders of this planet to form a treaty regarding an alliance and the safety of power spheres.

Hence, she didn't have her personal heating pack with her.

She missed him already.

By the way, did she mention that the planet was called Ice Planet for a reason?

Her teeth clattered when she felt a gust of cold wind tickled her, which should not happen since she closed all the windows shut.

The chief, Aqua, explained that the air on the planet was naturally cold. It was even colder at night. Even so, the people on the planet  were naturally born with ice powers. The cold never bothered them anyway.

She didn't expect the cold to be this intense.

Sadly, she was more used to the moist and hot air in South East Asia, which was a huge contrast to the freezing temperature she currently faced.

She rolled over on the bed once more, curling and struggling to find a position that at least made her comfortable.

She had always been a bit more sensitive to the cold.

The side effects of being a Malaysian girl.

Aqua ensured that her guest room was somewhat the warmest chamber in the palace.

It still didn't help much to get her the very needed sleep if she was going to talk politics tomorrow.

After the fiftieth time, she groaned in frustration and gave up. She sat up and dragged her feet out of bed, heading towards the glass window while holding tightly to the furs.

The sky was dark since it was past midnight. She really wanted to sleep, like really really. Too bad her one solution to cold nights wasn't..

A 'click' sound interrupted her thoughts.

An average person wouldn't have noticed it, but she wasn't your average daily woman.

Her thoughts immediately went to the possibility of a rebel trying to break in and harm her, since Ice Planet only recently decided to change their power hungry ways.

The chief may be enthusiastic about the pact, but chances were not all of his people side with him

She faced the door in a defensive stance. Her heart pounded in anticipation.

She refused body guards at her door, as she wasn't pleased with the idea of having two strangers outside her door all night. She kept it locked and placed the keys on the dressing table.

But we all knew how locks can be picked.

Or even, someone made a duplicate key.

Her focus remained on the door, as the doorknob rattled softly, indicating that someone was struggling to get in.

She had a plan in her head, which included her punching the intruder's face and..

"You're still awake?"

She stood there starstruck as the door swiftly swung open to reveal a familiar sight.

Her husband, in Ice form and a hoody on.

And a worried look on his face.

Realising that she wasn't wearing her hijab and her hair flowed freely, Boboiboy immediately closed the door.

It has only been a few hours.

But she missed him greatly.

Without thinking much, Yaya  sped forward and crashed into his chest.

"Woah! Hey there, honey. Missed me already?"

He kissed her head as he brought her into a cuddle. Familiar arms engulfed her and held her tightly.

With his hands enveloped around her, she instantly felt at home as his heat warmed her.

"Cold" she simply muttered.

Understanding his wife's sensitivity to the cold, he nodded before locking on arm under her legs and the other at her back.

A small smile broke on her lips as she was carried effortlessly to the large bed.

When the soft but cold covers hit her back, her eyes widened at the sudden increase of coldness.

Boboiboy noticed this and felt at the mattress with gloved hands.

"Wow! It is cold. No wonder you couldn't sleep"

Yaya sat up to look at him properly. "Now that you're here, I'll be fine. Why are you here anyway?"

He sat next to her on the bed. Yaya immediately took the chance to snuggle into him.

Boboiboy laughed at this before replying.
"The commander thought I should take the chance to learn new skills for my ice powers. I may discover something new tomorrow as you talk about boring stuff with Aqua and his council"

Yaya groaned at this which erupted more laughter from her husband.
"And I may have voiced out my concern over the possibility of a rebel attack. Although I know that you're totally capable of defending yourself"

"Strange. I thought you were the rebel"

Boboiboy gasped in exaggeration and faked a hurt look. "How could you,my lady? After the struggle I went through to get here"

Yaya giggled before shutting him up with a kiss on his lips.

He smiled into the kiss before reluctantly letting go.

He placed one last soft kiss on her temple before getting up. "Try to get some sleep. I'll be right back"

Yaya nodded and laid back on the bed. Her eyes were getting heavier by the minute.

But she still couldn't sleep because of the cold.

Thankfully, her problem was resolved by her husband who wore a sweater to sleep in and carried a comforter and a few more blankets.

Yaya grinned happily at him. "You are amazing, you know"

Boboiboy smirked quirkily as he wrapped another layer of blanket around her. He settled down with  a blanket himself and covered the both of them with the comforter.

Sleep finally reached Yaya.

Of course, it was better when her husband pulled her closer  to keep the both of them warm.

And kissed the base of her neck before falling into slumber himself.

Maybe she liked the cold after all.

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