Sorry II

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She saw her husband walking past her but she ignored him. She was still mad over the fight they had a few days ago. Their holiday ended,and now they're back at the station.

Throughout those past few days, her husband never went to her to apologize. If he was being egoistic,then she had the right to do so as well.

She's been trying to convince her husband to have kids for years now. Every time he gave a disappointing response,she kept her cool and remained patient. She obeyed her husband's wish to not have kids, and continued eating those pills,despite loathing them so much. She tried to be a good wife but even she has her limits.

She understood her husband's concern. Their work was so demanding that they couldn't have time to think about kids. However,she realised how old they were getting,and if they kept up with this attitude,they won't even have their own offspring. Sacrifices had to be made,and she was willing to do it.

She was just disappointed that her husband couldn't see their future the way she did. He was passionate about his job,and she adores him for it. But life isn't about working. It's about spending time with the ones you love and prioritizing them first. Was she not his first priority?

That question has been bugging her for these past few days. 'Did he not want a family with her?' 'Was work more important than their marriage?'

Her feet brought her to the room that she shared with her husband at TAPOPS. She was grateful that TAPOPS didn't fire one of them for being married to each other,like most employers would do. They said such policies only apply on earth,so they were fine with their marriage. She and her husband were happy with the arrangement.

But now,she was really tempted to crash into Ying's room and sleep there for the night. She really wanted to avoid Boboiboy. The silence between them was really torturous. But she thought better of it. She didn't want other people knowing about fight.

She already ranted to Ying about the argument,and she swore to keep it a secret. If anyone else knows about it,it will spread like wildfire throughout the station. They were the only working agents who were married with each other ( because Ying and Fang were still stubborn to propose to each other) , and a part of their promise to Kokoci was to not let their marriage problem affect work.

Since they rarely have big rows, a story like this will definitely grab everyone's attention. She and her husband were lucky,because they were currently tasked with different assignments and rarely bumped into each other during the day. No one noticed their cold treatment to each other. Even if they do,the both of them were great actors. They would smile lovingly to each other and plaster a love sick look on their face,fooling any witnesses. Frankly,she wished those interactions were sincere.

She opened her headscarf and let her long brown hair flowed behind her.She went to her closet  to grab her clothes for the night. After rummaging through the closet,she bit a curse when she realised her long-sleeved pyjamas were gone. She tried to remember the last time she wore those,but was only met with frustration.

She browsed through her closet once more,trying to find any decent nightwear that won't cause her to freeze tonight.

However,she froze when she felt two strong arms wrapped around her waist,hugging her from behind. Her breath hitched when she felt familiar lips on her ear, whispering an apology. She tried turning around,only to be locked in her husband's tight embrace,refusing to let her go.

"I'm sorry" he repeated in her ear. He tightened his hold on her, making it hard for her to resist him.

She tried to stay calm,although her heart was beating rapidly because of their closeness.

"I'm sorry" he repeated again. His breath was fanning her neck and he started fiddling with her hair.

She loosened Boboiboy's hold on her and turned, looking directly into his eyes. She felt her husband's stare on her.

"Why?" her voice cracked.

She meant a lot with just that one word.

Why did he hurt her?
Why did he ignored her?
Why was work more important than her?
Why did he not want to build a family with her?
Why was he so stubborn?

She was surprised when her tears started spilling from her eyes. The shocked look on her husband's face showed that he didn't expected for her to cry. He didn't know how much this argument hurt her.

She let his thumb brushed her tears away.
He pulled her closer and she gave in to his embrace. Her sobs filled the silence in the room and her tears soaked her husband's shirt. She felt calm as her husband's hand traced soothing circles on her back. Her hands now wrapped themselves around his waist,bringing her closer to her husband.

She let out all her frustrations and pain until she lost track of time. Crying definitely exhaust her more than fighting. She felt her hold on her husband loosened, expecting the impact of hitting the ground. However,she felt herself being lifted  and dipped onto the bed.

Before she fell into slumber,her heart fluttered when her husband kissed her forehead like he would always do before the fight. For the first time that week, she finally slept peacefully with comforting arms around her waist.

She woke up the next day to her husband's sleeping face. He looked peaceful,and she couldn't help but stare with a smile on her face. She was about to brush a stray hair away from his face, only for her small and delicate hands to be caught by big ones and brought to his lips. She watched as her husband kissed it and opened his eyes, meeting with hers.

"Good morning,love" he gave her a quick kiss on her lips. She licked her lips,missing the taste of his lips on hers.

"Good morning" she said with the biggest grin on her face.

He gave her another kiss before pulling them out of bed to prepare for the day.

As they were getting ready, Yaya realised that she was scheduled to take her pills today. She debated with herself,whether should she take it or not. She stared at the pink bottle for a long time, hesitating. The argument was over,but her husband never said that they will start trying for kids.

When she was about to open the bottle,she was stunned when it was snatched away from her hands. She looked up to see her husband holding it,with a frown on his face. She watched as he read the labels on the bottle and looked back at her.

"I thought we decided already" he said.

"Decide on what?"she said confusingly.

Her husband stared into her eyes once again,before continuing,


He stepped closer to her.

"We will.."

He stopped right in front her. She felt their toes touching and her heart was pounding wildly in her chest, expecting what he was going to do.

But she didn't expect her husband to burn the bottle and let the flame blazed in his hand in front of her eyes. The bottle was now left with ashes on the floor.

"Start trying for kids"

He closed the gap between them and caught her lips in his.

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