Blind V

825 37 16

I should really be studying for my papers.
But here I am.
And @BOYASHIPPER101 made me realize that it's been six months since I updated this one-shot.
My bad!

My deepest apologies for all of you who's been waiting.

And to my teachers who expected me to study Physics & Biology instead.


Yaya stood and ran towards the charging station, fumbling her hands in front of her to prevent any unnecessary accident.

When she reached there, her memory guided her to the switch, which she turned off abruptly.

Much to Ochobot's demise.
"Yaya! What's going on?"

At the same moment, the both of them were alerted by another bang, which was louder than the previous one.

"Can you check out what is trying to get into our spacecraft?"

Ochobot answered a quick yes before activating the feature. What he saw though, was both confusing and horrifying.

Okay. It was mainly confusing.


Yaya arched her eyebrows. "Monkeys?"

"Yeah. With some weird helmet on their head. All of them"

Yaya brought a hand to her forehead. Among all things, why monkeys?

"How much?"

"Too many to count. They're all over the spacecraft now. Hold on. Yaya! I see something!"

Yaya furrowed her eyebrows at this. "What?"

"There's an old man. In a lab coat. And a control?"

Yaya let out a sigh. Great. They're alone in the middle of the forest of a stranded island with a crazy old guy trying to kill them off with  brainwashed monkeys.

"Guess we have to fight them off"

Ochobot whirled in alarm.
"Are you nuts?! There's no way we could stand a chance against a dozen of huge, burly, mind-controlled monkeys!"

Yaya did some quick thinking in her head. She honestly believed that she was capable of kicking the butts of a few monkeys, especially after preparing herself weeks prior for situations like this.

However, the man in a lab coat posed a huge threat to both her and Ochobot. He could be after the power sphere, or even herself.

Remembering Ochobot's kidnapping by Bora Ra almost a decade ago still gave her goosebumps. She wasn't going to let history repeat again.

"Ochobot, get us outta here!"


Yaya thought for a moment.
"Can you teleport us to our teammates' coordinates?"

Ochobot accessed his system and worked on it. In less than a second, he got them.

"Done! Hold tight!"

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