Mission Undercover I

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He gritted his teeth in annoyance as he eyed the couple near them. His calm face and charming smile masked his fury, making the blonde and heavily make-uped chick in front of him oblivious to the tension.

She  continued chatting about how wonderful her luxurious life is as if she was going to marry the host of the ball.

He had to control himself from scoffing.

This woman really didn't know Mr Cho well.

He may be rich, but if she knew how wicked and manipulative he was, Boboiboy was pretty sure she'd run away from him as far as possible.

When he saw a waiter heading their way through the crowd with a tray of cocktails in his hand, he secretly sticked his foot out to his side while continued talking with the blonde.

He sensed someone tripping over his foot.

With his quick reflexes, he dove away and escaped the spilled cocktails.

Which then spilled over the blonde chick's white dress.

She gasped and cursed out loud.
"Look at what you done,stupid!
Now my dress is ruined"

The waiter fumbled and apologized. "My apologies, madam. Let me bring you to our dressing room for a new dress as a compensation" he bowed down and turned around.

The chick gave a huff but followed anyways.

When the waiter walked passed him, Boboiboy swiftly snuck a 100 dollar cash in his pocket without notice.

He watched as the two walked away from the crowds towards the backdoor.

His eyes now focused on the couple near him who seemed absorbed in their own little world to notice him.

The man dressed in a smart, dark blue suit and had a charming smile,but the one that had his full attention was the lady in front of him.

The lady was definitely pretty, and her smile flattered the jerk in front of her.

Her voice radiates confidence and charm. Her choice of style made her look prim and proper. With her blonde hair tied in a neat bun and diamond earrings dangled from her ears. Her long sleeved red dress studded with gems made her look exquisite and rich.

 Her long sleeved red dress studded with gems made her look exquisite and rich

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He couldn't help but stare at his wife from afar.

Yes... that's his wife.

They were undercover in this ball because TAPOPS discovered that an illegal trade of power sphere was gonna happen tonight.

Their target was the man whom Yaya was talking to. The man with the beard was Sir Ranolds,and he was clearly flirting with his wife,making Boboiboy fuming with anger.

According to their research,Ranolds was to be the buyer of the ancient power sphere, Hypnobot. The power sphere was extremely powerful, as it could manipulate and hypnotise people.

If it went to the wrong hands, it will definitely spark chaos and impend war. Which is why,they were here to interfere the deal.

His team,which consists of the both of them,as well as Gopal, Fang and Ying were undercover to rescue the power sphere and simply prevent any death from happening.

The people they were dealing with are in the black market, so anything could happen . They didn't want to risk the public's life.

Even so,if he was frank,he strongly disagreed when Fang suggested Yaya to dress up differently and fancily to distract and snoop on Ranolds. He was furious. He knew his wife was not comfortable in removing her hijab even if it was for spying purposes.

Most of the time,Ying was in charge with taking care of the men while Yaya went hacking and retrieving data secretly.

Boboiboy and Fang were more like the defence or getting on hand information.

Gopal was more of the team's eye with the crucial backup plan if needed.

However, he realised that it was the best plan that the team could come up with.

Even though Ranolds was just a buyer, previous reports stated that there was a power sphere that was being misused under his possession.
He might look charming,but he was a malicious and dirty man.

Tonight,Yaya became a seductress because of that.

According to Ying,men like him had the same weakness. Flatter them enough, challenge their ego and they start talking about their powers and achievements unconsciously.

Yaya had a small and fine recording/communicative device in her earrings, which connects her with the rest of the team.

With instructions from Gopal,she was to flatter Ranolds as a distraction,while her hands are slowly sneaking their way to find his phone,and implant a microchip which immediately allows Gopal to have complete access to the phone and hack for information.

Ying was on a similar job like Yaya. But she was facing the seller himself, Cho. Fang and Ying argued that, since Cho was a powerful Chinese business man, he might welcome the presence of a charming Chinese lady. Not being racist or anything, just that he will probably loosen up around someone who has something in common with him.

Ying had to distract him, detect Hypnobot's whereabouts which will be received by Gopal,who will give them the signal to proceed to Operation B.

Gopal was in their vehicle,which had invisibility feature. He was monitoring the team's movement after hacking into the building's security system. The five of them were able to communicate with each other using specific gadgets.

Ying and Yaya had the same earrings (which Yaya was proud about since it's her invention).

Fang and Boboiboy wore spectacles that has the ability to communicate,record, scan people's personal information and emotions,as well as infrared vision.

A wicked cool device that wasn't just for disguise,but made a proud fashion statement as well.  (Another pride of Yaya's, which made her giggled shamelessly when she tested it out on Boboiboy)

Boboiboy heard Gopal alerting Fang of three bodyguards around the corner where Ying was distracting Cho. Fang had the same role as he did, keep guard and protect their women from danger.

Boboiboy walked towards another waiter to grab a glass of water. He might have his sight away from the duo to avoid suspicion,but he was listening intently towards the taped conversation between Ranolds and his wife who was rocking the blond wig.

"Really, Sir? But I thought power spheres were just myths. Are you sure you are not believing in some sort of urban rumours?"

Sir Ranolds chuckled,but it sounded arrogant and ridiculing to Boboiboy's ear.
"That my dear, is where you are wrong. I have seen one with my very own eyes"

Yaya continued with her dumb blonde act.
"I don't know,Sir. Many people who claimed to have seen one were frauds"

Boboiboy heard some rustling sounds,which he assumed was stupid Ranolds taking his wife's hand in his.

"Come on,love. Let's stop with the formalities. Just call me Ranolds"

He said while encircling Yaya's hand around his neck. "And why should I do that?" . She asked with a smile.

"Because,you are one lovely woman with intense curiousity"

As he said that,he wrapped his arms around Yaya's waist.

Boboiboy could hear Yaya's breath hitched, showing her discomfort. But she kept it slow to continue with her act.

Boboiboy definitely prayed for this mission to be over.

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