Mission Undercover IV

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Why is he alive?

Yaya stood,stunned to see Ranolds with a smirk on his face.

Her sweat dropped to see her husband iced in front of her.

"What did you do?" She raised her voice, furious at the jerk who was staring at her.

He whistled suggestively.
"Such bravery for a woman who can't even expect an ambush"

Yaya gritted her teeth. Her temper rose as her pride was challenged. From her earpiece, she could hear Gopal cursing for his carelessness.

Focus. She told herself. There's a big chance that Ying and Fang were also ice-cold.

She took a deep breath and returned the sinister smile.

"At least I'm not a pervert. Let me guess,you got bored when your 'friends' left you hanging?"

Ranolds let out a chuckle.
"Feisty. I like that. It did surprise me when they were  suddenly.... unresponsive.
Would you like to take their place?"

Yaya made a disgusted look.
"In your dreams. Although, I do wonder. Is your presence so insulting that you couldn't join your partners in their frozen state?"

Ranolds sent a glare.
"Watch what you're saying woman! I can move around because of the same reason as you do. Surely, you have powers gained from a power sphere"

Yaya heard Gopal cursed. He seemed to be clicking furiously on the monitor.

Yaya played the dumb blonde act. "Pardon?"

"Your act won't work anymore, sweetheart. But I have to say, you were a good actress.
Your idiocy in power spheres was oddly attractive. Sadly, time's up!"

Ranolds moved closer and Yaya stepped backward, Hypnobot clutched closely in her arms.

"Give me Hypnobot, darling. I might be nice enough to defrost your friends. Or better, give us some time alone, and things won't get messy"

Yaya scrunched her nose. How could someone have low dignity and self-respect?

"Desperate aren't you, Sir?"

He chuckled.
"In reality, it's you who should be desperate. When your friends are frosted by my powers, their heart might also be frozen"

Oh god.
She didn't want them dead.

"You're using Frostbot?"

Ranolds grinned.
"The one and only"

As he stepped closer, Yaya moved away from him,while refusing to break the eye contact.

"Time is ticking, dear.
The longer they're frozen, the nearer they are to death"

Yaya ran all the facts she had in her head quickly.


Grants frosting power.

Can freeze people like Elsa but deadlier.

Power holders need to point their hands to their targets to activate power.

Wait. She had a plan. She prayed for it to work.

"Sorry to break the news,Yaya. Time freeze is gonna end in 5 minutes. Guards are everywhere" Gopal alerted her through her earpiece earrings.

Oh God. Please work.

She snapped her fingers.

Ranolds looked confused for a moment, but his face was replaced with surprise when he immediately kneeled in front of her forcefully.

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