Mission Undercover II

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Yaya was so relieved when the announcer said that they have to change partners when the music stop.

Apparently, Mr Cho likes this kind of thing. The idea of meeting new faces while dancing together on the ballroom floor is romantic to him.

Ironic for someone who's gonna commit a heavy crime in a few hours.

According to Gopal, who already processed the data from Ranolds's phone, the transition was gonna happen in approximately 3 hours 16 minutes.

Meaning that 1 more minute to ditch this pervert in front of her.

She swore that she will never ever go to a ball willingly ever again, if it meant she had to face rich and snobbish perverts constantly.

She developed a new sense of respect for Ying for being able to tolerate these men.

She's been having the urge to punch this jerk in the face since by luck, he approached her himself.

Sure,  it made her task easier, she was able to pickpocket Ranolds's phone and return it in less than 5 minutes.

Not just that,Ranolds was completely oblivious. Continuing to flatter her while he closed the distance between them.

Her patience was running thin and  she's been plotting various ways to skewer this man since he snaked his hand around her waist before the dance.

After a painful 60 seconds, the musicians finally stopped. The announcer alerted the guest to change partners. People around her started shuffling,trying to find an amiable stranger who'd be a nice partner.

Ranolds looked at her with a pout on his face.

He mouthed, "miss me"

She pledged to herself that she will resent this arrogant man for his mere existence.

Ranolds left his arms around her waist and moved away.

She stepped away, aiming to join the buzzing crowd.

Until, someone wrapped her in an embrace and pulled her to a hard chest.

She was alarmed and a bunch of scenarios passed through her mind to get rid of this person.

In a swift second, she positioned her elbow and turned around.

Her elbow aimed towards the stranger's stomach, but she restrained herself when she was face to face with her husband.

Boboiboy just stared at her raised elbow and lifted a brow. "That's a nice way to say hello"

Flustered,she lowered her elbow. " My bad. I thought that I had to face another stupid pervert in this ball"

"Thank you for the compliment"

"I didn't mean you, dork". She threw her arms around her husband. " I miss you"

She heard Gopal cringed from her hearing device. "Get a room guys"

Boboiboy had a smirk on his face. "Gladly,when this mission is over. What's the status?"

"Ying already got Cho's data. The problem right now is the number of bodyguards around them" Gopal muttered a few curse words. "Great, they're all gunned"

The music started playing and people were dancing the waltz. Slowly, Boboiboy moved his feet to the beat,leading his wife in the dance.

Yaya blindly followed her husband's lead. The gears in her head started working an idea to help Ying and Fang.

"Gopal, Cho didn't change partners?"

"Nope. Since he's the host, he can do whatever he likes. Apparently, Ying charmed him way too much"

"What's Fang doing?"

"Sipping some martini"

The three of them heard Fang cleared his throat.

"Fang, from nine o'clock. A guard is heading towards you"

Fang responded in a small voice. "Roger that"

Boboiboy watched in amusement as Yaya's eyes glazed over like they usually do when she's thinking hard.

He moved his face nearer to Yaya. He had to keep himself from laughing when she didn't notice his movements.

Yaya was woken from her thoughts when Boboiboy planted a kiss on her forehead.

She looked up to see her husband's impish smirk.

"You're thinking hard about something"

"I have an idea on how to help them"

"Which is?"

"Before that.." Yaya looked over Boboiboy's shoulder, looking for any signs of Ranolds. "Gopal, where's Ranolds?"

"Oh, he left the ballroom with two  drunk women a few moments ago. They went into a room in the East wing"

Yaya scrunched her nose in disgust. She was really glad that she was in her husband's arms.

" How about bodyguards?"

"He only had three with him. All of them are scattered around the hallway of the East wing"

Boboiboy mumbled slowly. " I wonder if he had one placed in that room"

Yaya blushed and slapped his chest playfully.

Thankfully,Gopal seemed to ignore his comment.

"By the way, I found Hypnobot's coordinates. It's in a safe in the North wing on the second floor. There are a five armed guards on the floor. One is guarding the safe room"

Yaya thought over her plan again. It seemed crazy to her,but it might work.

When Yaya noticed the song was about to reach the end, she twirled suddenly and started gliding gracefully towards the side of the ballroom,dragging Boboiboy with her.

When Gopal noticed that they were nearing Cho's location , he immediately spoke, "Woah, Yaya! What are you planing? There's three guards around that area. And they all have guns"

Yaya looked into her husband's eyes,which had a lot of questions in them. She smirked and gave him a peck on his lips.

"I don't know what's in your head, love. But I'm in"

Yaya's grin grew as she dragged them to the nearest corner,eager to start her plan.

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