Blind I

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A sharp scream escaped her throat as she felt a piercing pain passed through her veins.

She lost sight of what was in front of her.

She felt her eyes rolled back.

She lost her balance.

She couldn't control her bearing.

A moment later,she was weightless.

She felt gravity pulling herself, but she couldn't respond.

The pain already left her body, but she felt numb. Her senses were going haywire,but she didn't have the energy to register any of it.

All she knew,she was falling.

And she was in thin air.

Another pain stroked her head, but she didn't even have strength to grimace at it.

She was numb.
She was tired.
She didn't want to open her eyes.
She wanted to give up.

And she was falling at high speed to the ground below.

Until a strong arm caught her and brought her to a chest.

"Boboiboy..?" She whispered.

"Stay with me,Yaya! I've got you!"  She noticed panic in his voice. It was rare for her husband to freak out. It was worrying her a lot.

Desperation were vivid in his eyes, and she wanted to ask him why.

However, her voice betrayed her.
It came out as a whimper instead, which intensified the worried lines on his pretty face.

'what..?' her thoughts clouded her mind when her sight became blurry and she faintly heard Boboiboy's pleads.

Before she knew it, she blacked out.



The voice shook her out of her sleep and she sat upright.

Her head spinned,which made her regretted her rash action and shut her eyes.

"Take it slow, honey. Don't force yourself"

Listening to his voice, she sat still and calmed her breathing. Her hand was rubbing her temples, wanting to soothe the pain away.

She groaned in pain when the pain wasn't leaving. She felt her pulse against her own and the pressure in her head intensified.

She immediately felt another set of hands on her head, giving a massage to her temples.

She gritted her teeth to bear the pain. It was torture but heavenly, having strong fingers working on her head.

The whole time , she heard her teammates' voices in the background. Concern and worry were evident in their voice. But she couldn't focus.
Her fingers still clutched her head, praying for the pain to go away.

Thankfully,the pain subsided.

Relieved,she pulled Boboiboy's hands from her hijab covered head and gave them a squeeze.

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

"Why is it so dark in here?"

She heard Gopal gasped and a few sharp intake of breath.

"Guys? What's the matter? Anyways, can you switch the lights on? I can't see a thing"

The silence was too much and it made her unsettled.

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