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July 13th, 2028

Malibu, USA

Miley's POV

I was cleaning up the kitchen when I heard the doorbell ring. I'm assuming it's Liam to pick up the boys for a few days.

"Jo, I think your dad's at the door, will you answer it?" I shout towards Jonah's room. No response. I sigh while walking to his room, he's probably playing his game and can't hear me, typical teenager. I opened his door and he wasn't there. "What the hell?"

I go into Cameron's room, neither Jonah or Cameron were there. I check Bentley's room and none of the boys are here. I check outside and still didn't see anyone when it hit me- they were already with Liam.

"Genius Miley, fucking genius." I walk to the door after hearing another knock and open it to reveal Nick.

"That took you a while." 

"Come in. I completely spaced the fact the boys were with Liam already, I just searched the whole fucking house for them. I knew it was too quiet..." Nick chuckles at my comment and I playfully smack his arm. "Don't make fun of me, I'm an idiot."

"I'm not making fun of you Miley, it's okay to forget things once in a while."

"Really? Okay so is it okay to forget where my fucking children are?"

"Okay maybe you are a little bit of an air head." I smack his arm again as we sit on the couch. "Joking. It's okay though, I've forgotten where the kids were sometimes, don't tell Priyanka." He replies.

"Shit, how'd that go?"

"Well she kicked me out, I slept in my car last not too great."

"You could've came over here you know, I have a guest bedroom. Even if I didn't I'd let you sleep on the couch, my door is always open."

"Thank you, but I just needed to be alone for a while. Also, why didn't you tell me she slapped you? Twice?"

"You didn't need to know that part." I answer. "You asked me if she said anything else, she didn't."

"No, she just fucking slapped you."

"I didn't want you mad at her."

"She was mad enough for the both of us..."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Well, when I got home I didn't even get to put my keys and phone down before she started yelling." He begins. "I got the kids out of there as soon as I could before she got too far into it."

"I'm so sorry Nick..."

"I told you not to apologize."

"So is that all she did? Kick you out for a night?"

"Nope...she kicked me out yeah, but permanently."

"What? No, no she didn't..." I deny. "Not permanently, there's no way she would do that."

"Well she also told me that at the current moment we will be separated and I am not welcome in the house."

"And the kids?"

"I'm allowed to see them every weekend, at least she gave me that." He answers. I became choked up hearing Priyanka actually limited Nick's time with his own kids. "Miley don't cry."

"It's all my fault Nick, it's all my fault."

"No it isn't, she probably would've reacted the same way if I told her. I haven't really been the best husband or father lately so I can understand why she wants to take a break for a while."

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