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The night breeze grew colder as the moon raised higher, shedding light on the forest covering part of Shu's territory. In the quiet murmurs of the dark, quiet yet heavy footsteps were heard. A broad figure walked through the trees, seemingly carrying something big. A soft clomping of hooves followed behind, the head of the animal swinging low as the figures drew closer to a creek.

A grunt is heard as the broad figure knelt down, gently placing down the object in their arms on the ground. Standing up the figure spoke, dropping a small item on the bigger object, "Now my brothers won't be distracted...if we are to bring this chaos to an end." Without another word he turned and grabbed the reins attached to the animal, a soft stamp of a hoof in reply as it turned and was lead away. From the light shining through the trees' leaves, the item let off a shine; one only polished materials gave.

The sun peeked over the hillsides as the troops of Wu started walking about the main camp, some gathering for a small conversation. A room door slid open as Gan Ning stepped out, rubbing the back of his neck with a soft groan. Behind him Lu Mei sat up, rubbing her eye with one hand while Snow stretched, lazily looking over at their owner. With a yawn mixed with a whine the wolf slid off the bed, stretching again before brushing past Gan Ning's side. With a soft smile Lu Mei stood up, still keeping the blanket wrapped around her shoulders as she walked up to him.

"...Slept well?" He questioned softly, looking back a bit while she laid her head on his shoulder. Still smiling she nodded, "It felt very comforting. Like I could relax again..." Her answer seemed to please him, showing it by tilting his head towards hers, breaking into a chuckle while observing the movement of the other generals. "Now if you'll be so kind as to give me some time I need to freshen up." Laughing a little the pirate perked back up and went through the threshold, letting his lover close the door between them.

"Ya know if you wanna do it again I'm always up for it." He raised his voice a little, laughing a bit as Lu Mei could be heard letting out mildly exaggerated cries of outrage. On the other side Lu Mei turned and started getting dressed as another voice can be heard outside.






Unable to hold back she laughed, slumping a bit as the two quarreled, knowing very well only Ling Tong could get Gan Ning riled up in the early morning. Hearing them both let out sudden yelp and a more stern voice cut in, she felt herself struggling to stifle her laugh so she could listen. Overhearing them fuss for a minute the voices suddenly quieted, and the ringing of bells and footsteps lead away from her room. Feeling the sudden change she began to rush while getting dressed, having an odd feeling about it.

Coming out from her room and going into the main camp she felt the glances of several soldiers graze on her. Some began to speak in hushed tones to each other, but none coming to talk to her. After a while she walked out hurriedly and decided to pay a visit to the same village she met Gan Ning. Going in she noticed the villagers moving about normally, and some greeting her in a kind manner.

Greeting them back in mutual respect she kept passing through and suddenly stopped in front of the same building she first arrived in. Staring in she stood still, watching the figures move through the windows; noting the design of the building. Walking in she looked around, observing the hallways and the interior design. At the sight of the raven-haired girl standing about the staff of the place grew curious, watching her as they knew she is a part of Wu's army. Heading to the back doors Lu Mei nodded a greeting to a staff member, who smiled awkwardly in greeting and opened the door for her. She walked out into the back of the building and inhaled sharply at the sight in front of her.

There was cherry trees lining the walls were in full bloom, giving off a sweet scent as purple fringes covered the empty spots between, with stone benches within and a circular fountain in the middle, warm breezes passing through offering comfort. Lost in the beauty she walked into the scene, feeling some tense weight lift from her. Sitting on the edge of the fountain she looked over her shoulder to find the curious staff members watching her. In a scurry they ran off, rambling amongst themselves. Sighing she looked back to the scenery, smiling a little at the calm atmosphere.

Back at the main camp, Gan Ning walks out of a large building being visibly disturbed as he learned some terrible news. Ling Tong came from behind and looked to his friend; "Hey...I-We shouldn't tell her..." Gan Ning was quick to respond ,"No. This applies to her big time...We should tell her." With a sigh Ling Tong nodded reluctantly and looked at the camp, narrowing his eyes as he observed the mass of soldiers wandering about. "She's not here."

Looking up at the crowd Gan Ning realized he was right and now neither of them knew where she went. "...I'm going out, she's probably somewhere not too far." Heading off to the weaponry he grabbed his scimitar, making a stop for the stables and led a horse out. Ling Tong observed him before grabbing a few of his own items and followed behind, standing beside him. "I'll help you..." Gan Ning locked eyes with him in confusion before relaxing, nodding his head in acceptance and mounted his horse, breaking it to a gallop with Ling Tong tailing him.

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