~Preparing for Battle~

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Lu Mei barely walked out of her room when Zhou Yu stormed past her, fuming with anger. "Zhou Yu, What's wrong?" He didn't answer her as he kept walking, only gazing back at her with glaring eyes. She stepped back in surprise to his glare and hastily ran to find Gan Ning. Finding him outside the training arena, she walked up to him and asked him what was happening. "Ah, Zhou Yu had heard some rumors from some of the troops that Cao Cao was going to take the Qiao sisters. I think this could end up in a fight, I'll have to say, I've better be in it!"

"What?! You can't be serious!" She gazed up at him with wide eyes. "Well, I heard that Cao Cao also had a new general. Now what was his name?" Gan Ning muttered to himself near the end of the sentence. She gazed at the ground, 'Could Zhang Liao be the new general?? What about Ling Qi? Or Mother???'  She shivered at the thought, not wanting to face any of them in battle. Gan Ning gazed at her, an eyebrow raising at her expression, "What's with that look? Spooked or something?" Lu Mei shook her head as they heard someone calling for them. They both looked over to see Ling Tong running up to them.

"Sun Quan needs us. All of us." He added as he saw Lu Mei about to turn away. They walked into the main hall to see Sun Quan pacing the floor, a tense expression on his face as he paced before stopping to look at all three of them.  "You're here. Good. I need you three to get all your gear together. We leave at sunset." The two men nodded as Lu Mei stepped forward. "Wait, I'm just a troop member. Why summon me alongside the generals?" Sun Quan looked back at her, his calm gaze resting on her. "Who said you weren't a general? You've proven your strengths the first day, why need anymore proof? You'll be just fine with these two alongside you." He gestured to Gan Ning and Ling Tong, who patted her back in congratulations. "Thank You." She smiled gratefully before turning away and ran to her room.

"This it it Xue! We get to fight!" She said gleefully as she grabbed her father's old spear. Observing it closely, she sighed remorsefully. 'You'll always be with me on this one father.' She changed into her battle armor and grabbed some customized armor for her wolf. Xue licked her hand as she put guards over his head and the sides of his torso. With not much time to spare, they dashed out to meet up with everyone else.

The two men were waiting for her as she met up with them. "Took ya long enough!" Gan Ning exclaimed. "Let's get going already!" Ling Tong walked passed them to speak to Lu Meng and Lu Xun. She felt a tap on her arm and looked up to see a pair of amber eyes gazing at her in worry. "You'll... be careful...ok?" Lu Mei flushed and looked ahead at the other talking generals. 'Is he...worried? About me?' 

"Ah, I will. Heck, I'll even fight right next to you if that makes you feel any better!" She held her laugh back as Gan Ning's face went red and he looked ready to hide. "I was just saying be careful! You don't need to do that!" The pair heard snickers behind them and saw Sun Shang Xiang and the Qiao sisters looking at them. "Don't get all lovey-dovey on the battlefield now!" Shang Xiang commented as the girls broke out in laughter and the pair blushed heavily and looked away from each other. 'He really cares...Doesn't he?' She nudged him gently, looking back at him with a timid smile as she whispered , "I wasn't actually joking about the fighting alongside you part. I would actually like that." Gan Ning couldn't help but grin himself. "I would like that too." He spoke softly as the sun sank behind the horizon.

Night fell as both Wu and Shu gathered in Shu's camp. Both commanders and advisers were off making tactics and strategies for the battle as the troops were gathered together and talking casually. Lu Mei looked up at the dark night sky and breathed deeply, 'I hope Ling Tong and Gan Ning are safe in battle. Someday, I wish to see my family again.'

"Hey you!" She turned to see Zhao Yun walk up to her, holding his spear behind him in a non-hostile manner. "It's nice seeing you again, are you a general now?" She nodded softly in reply, gaining a smile of approval from the taller man. "If you need any aid, feel free to ask for our help."  Xing Cai said as she walked up to the pair. "Your offer is generous, but I have someone who..." She gazed at Gan Ning for a moment, who was in a conversation with a short bearded man dressed in green. "...who has my back just fine." She smiled as Xing Cai noticed her look, making Lu Mei flush as she lightly teased her. "I think he has more than your back."

 Sun Quan and Liu Bei stood side by side and called for everyone's attention. "Tomorrow we strike against Cao Cao and his forces. With the help of Zhuge Liang's wind and Lu Xun's fire attack, they will be beaten with no struggle induced. Be warned; we have word that he had recruited a new general, but do not take it to heart, for we have many more who stands by us." Sun Quan gave a quick look at her before he continued, "Rest and gather your strength, for tomorrow, we will demolish Cao Cao's troops and whittle down his ego!" Everyone cheered and pumped their fists in the air as Xue howled, its voice carried with the wind.

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