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Lu Mei awoke inside a dimly lit room. There was only a door, but from the shadows being casted under the door it was too obvious there was someone guarding outside. "Hello? Anybody there?" Lu Mei called out warily as she was unsure of what to do and where she was. A second pair of shadows appeared on the other side and the lock clicked. As it opened, the light blinded Lu Mei and she looked in disgust at the figure in the doorway. "Looks like you are awake." Cao Pi's voice was smooth as he walked towards her.

"Now that you are in my possession, any sort of sorcery will be seen as a threat and you will be executed. Understand?" He squatted down and lifted her chin up to face him. She glared at him, refusing to say a single word. "You're very stubborn. Why don't you talk?" Cao Pi said as he grasped her hand. She retracted her hand back and narrowed her eyes, still refusing to talk to him.

Cao Pi sighed and stood up, "Alright, have it your way. I'll be back tomorrow to introduce you to your new life. As my concubine." She looked away in anger at those last three words and clenched her fist as the door closed. Right after the door shut she hugged her knees to her chest, small tears pricking her eyes. 'I have to find a way out. I want to go back...to...him... Oh, Gan Ning...I should have stayed by your side...I hope you can find me soon.' 


Gan Ning walked back towards the camp, his mind cleared of the previous jumble of emotions. 'I guess I should ask Mei how she's able to be so...calm... about everything.' He saw the main gate was opened and Ling Tong was running towards him with an alarmed expression. "GAN NING! Have you seen Lu Mei?!" Ling Tong asked, panicking. "Wha? No! Where's that horse?" "Horse?" "RED HARE!" "WAIT! LU BU'S HORSE IS STILL ALIVE?!" Gan Ning didn't answer as he ran to the stable, slammed open the door, and peered in every single stall for Red Hare. "No...NO!" He ran out of the camp and searched throughout the outside, calling for Lu Mei. He walked further out until something hit his boot. He looked down and recognized Lu Mei's spear. His body began to tremble in fear, "LU MEI! WHERE ARE YOU?? LU MEI!!!!...Lu...Mei." Hot tears fell down his cheeks as no voice replied to him. He sat down slowly and ran his fingers through his head as his other hand remained gripped on her spear. "I said for you to stay by my side...but I left you..." He sobbed quietly to himself, hanging his head low in despair.

A rustle in a nearby bush caused Gan Ning to stand up quickly, aiming the blade at the bushes. Xue busted out from the leaves, barking and circling around him.

"Did you find her?!"

Xue just kept on barking and ran off. Gan Ning ran after the wolf, avoiding anything that got in his way. Xue stopped by a river and barked below him. Gan Ning followed its gaze and saw one of the trainees face down in the dirt. He turned her over and saw gashes all over her torso. There was no pulse and nobody else was around from the looks of it. Solemnly, he picked up the body and headed towards the camp, letting Xue carry its owner's spear in its mouth. 

Several of the people in the camp gasped and stood aside as Gan Ning walked in, the body in his arms. Lu Meng ran out and saw the body, his own tensing in outrage, "Where did you find her??" "Alongside the river, closest to Shu territory." Lu Meng looked at the body once more, feeling bitter form this situation. "She was on strict orders to remain inside the camp. Why did she even go out???" Gan Ning shrugged his shoulders before putting the body down and walked away, his shoulders slumped. Ling Tong ran to him. "Any sign of Mei? I take that as a no." He said as Xue walked right next to Gan Ning, whining. Ling Tong felt pity as Gan Ning let a few tears fall.

"I was supposed to stay with her...but I walked away. She would still be here if I didn't walk off." Gan Ning muttered. "Gan Ning...It...It wasn't your fault. You never knew she would be so far away. She's not dead, I...I believe it. She's strong enough to withstand whatever is happening to her. I think you should rest. Take the wolf with you." He said, placing a hand on Gan Ning's shoulder. Gan Ning remained silent before looking at Ling Tong with a sad look, "...Don't you hate me still?"

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