~Training Day~

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Lu Mei walked out of her room and adjusted to the sun as morning came around, stretching comfortable before a voice spoke up close by.

"Hey there."

She leapt back as Gan Ning laughed. "I think you'll need to work on that first." She playfully punched his shoulder when an older man walked up, giving her a friendly smile. "I see you're awake. What is your name?"

"Lu Mei..." "Ah, The daughter of Lu Bu. I'm Lu Meng, your mentor and I will train you until I see you fit for battle, so be ready to train hard!" 'Training?....Haven't I already proven my worth?'  "Ah, alright then!" Was all she could say. She sighed and looked down in mild embarrassment as Lu Meng walked off. Gan Ning put a hand on her shoulder to provide some support. "You'll go through this quick! I know it!" He beamed with a grin on his face. She sighed her thanks and walked to the battle arena, the same place where she and Sun Shang Xiang fought, not bothered as Gan Ning trotted over to her side and walking with her.

"What is there left to teach me?" She pondered, speaking to herself. "The land, archery, hunting, the goals of Wu, several things." Gan Ning spoke up with a soft chuckle. She looked up at him, noticing the absolute teasing manner he held with her. " I see." "You fight really well, I'll give you that. However, you still got some ways to go." She smiled softly, a soft giggle coming from her. "You make things sound chaotic but clear." Gan Ning folded his arms behind his head. "That is me!" They laughed together after that before a young girl with short brown hair walked up to them. "Are you Lu Mei?" "Yes." "Come. Trainings starting." She briskly walked off, not caring if Lu Mei wasn't following.

'Here we go.' She thought worriedly as she walked away, waving at Gan Ning as she passed him. A few moments pass as she finds herself with a big group of new recruits. They step away from her and started whispering to each other while glancing back at her ever so often. She felt herself tensing up and was glad when Lu Meng got their attention.

"EVERYONE! I know you all feel interested in the newest recruit, but we're all have some training to continue." She relaxed herself and felt all her thoughts melt away as Lu Meng lead them around the camp to an area with bows and several types of arrows. "Okay! One by one, you will choose your own bow to use and grab a sheath of arrows. Then, stand by a plate, where we will toss bags of straw and you will have to shoot them down. Be warned, we will make things harder as you progress, so give it everything you've got! Now, who is going first?"

Lu Mei felt someone shove her from behind and she stumbled, stepping out from the group. The group of girls snickered behind her but fell silent when Lu Meng glared at them, turning his attention to Lu Mei with a welcoming smile. "Now then, let's see how well you can do!" He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder as she walked by him. She looked at all the bows and picked up a scarlet red bow with blades on one side. "That's my personal favorite! It is kinda heavy, do you really want to use that one?" She nodded and walked to a stand to claim a sheath of arrows. She stood behind the marked border and saw a bag being flying towards her. No sooner did it reach the air had she loaded her bow and shot it down.

Gasps were heard as it fell down. Soon, she loaded her bow with several arrows and shot them all down, each with strong precision. After her turn she watched as others tried and failed, with some getting closer to her speed. Lu Mei sped through battle training and survival skills, beating her opponents down swiftly until she was called on by Lu Meng later in the day. "I think you've done enough today!" Lu Meng said with a hearty laugh. "You can have the rest of the night off, good job." She felt glad to leave, for most of the other recruits began to glare at her more, scorning each step she took. She saw a few other recruits look to her in awe as she hurried her way out. Meeting up with Gan Ning and Ling Tong, who had came back from a patrol, they three headed off to eat and talk with each other, with an occasional argument bursting up between the men and with Lu Mei calming them both down as a mediator.

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