~Meeting Gan Ning~

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        Blood ran down her side as she changed her form, her hands becoming wings and head grew feathers as she began to fly. Her feathers ranged from a bright red to blood orange. Fire circled around her as she completed forming into a phoenix. Soaring above the trees, the wound on her side healed and began to close as she flew higher. She finally landed past a mesh of branches as she changed back into human form. 'I should see who that general was but I can't risk my life. Why did Xiahou Dun attack me, and why did my father have to go...' She slowed her momentum on the ground and gazed around at her surroundings.

It was a small clearing with a clear blue pool surrounded by beautiful willow trees that encased her like a mother's warm embrace. The memories of her family, lost or dead, pained her as she sat down and silently cried. The sound of jingling bells startled her as she ran and hid in a bush. Frightened, she looked out through the bush to see the same general who saved her-or was just getting Xiahou Dun off the territory. He looked around and sat down on a rock, his sword placed by his feet. He was taller than her, with a red ribbon tied with two feathers on his head. He had two dragons on his chest and back and was wearing a necklace and a belt with 4 bells attached to it. She stared, taking in his features when he suddenly got up and ran a different way, the sound of bells jingling fading away. Getting up, she scanned the area and dashed away. The blur of trees suddenly ends as she ran into a quite busy village. Turning sharply, she ran through various alleyways through the village before collapsing from exhaustion. She trembled heavily, her hunger hitting her alongside the pain from the wound on her side that couldn't fully close. She closed her eyes, hoping this was all a dream...


Her eyes opened as she stirred, the pain stabbing her side before slowly drifting away. Looking around, she took in the features of the room; a sort of homey feeling coming to her as she took in the soft gentle smells of the outside. Looking to her side, she felt a wave of relief as she saw Xue sleeping on the floor. Letting out a tired sigh, she got out of bed and looked to the entrance to see women gathering around her door. Most of them hurriedly walked off, but not before one finally spoke to her.

"Hello Miss. Sorry for our intrusion, but we-no, I was curious. Who are you?" Lu Mei gazed at her, not sure what to say. "Well um, my name is-"


The women scattered as he broke through the crowd. 'Oh great, now what do I do???' She pondered as the man came closer to her, but she did not flinch. He stared at her before he finally sighed and ran his hand through his spiked up hair. "Are you uh....feeling well? I found you behind the buildings...and well.. Well...SAY SOMETHING!" Lu Mei shook her head to clear her mind, just enough to give him a clear reply. "Yes! Um...I'm fine and I'm sorry for wasting your time so I'll-"

"Wait!" The man blocked her way as she tried to leave. A huge snarl escaped from Xue as Lu Mei glared at him. "You are not leaving until you are identified." Lu Mei looked at him with confusion. "It means that I will have to take you to the emperor of Wu." He answered, noticing her confused look.

"How can I believe you? I don't even know you!" She spoke in pure disbelief, anxious that the man would be purely hostile. Instead the man grinned and swung his sword over his shoulder, looking to her in a prideful gaze. "The name's Gan Ning! A former Pirate, now general of the kingdom of Wu!" He put his chin up proudly like he just fought a whole army. She stared at him like he was joking around, finding his mannerisms odd.

Feeling he was telling the truth, she called Xue to her side and spoke; "Well then, I have to go now..." "Were you listening to a thing I said??" Gan Ning stood in her way again. "You have to come with me to be questioned or whatever." Lu Mei glared at him for a few moments before huffing deeply and looking at him with a judgmental stare. 'There's no point in trying to leave, so I guess I will have to do what he says'. She thought as she straightened herself up, regaining some dignity as she spoke. "Fine, when do we go?" "Now, if you are strong enough." He cheekily grinned as he glanced down at her side, the blood on her clothes dried over it. Lu Mei felt herself clench her fists and calmed herself down before she did something she might regret. "Let's go!" She felt herself brush his shoulder as she stormed by. Gan Ning looked back to see the women gathered and felt himself flush as their curious stares. "GO DO YOUR JOBS!" He thundered, causing the women to scramble away before shaking his head and following after Lu Mei. 

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