~The Land of Wu~

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Lu Mei walked alongside Gan Ning as they trekked through the forest away from the village; He had said it was a faster route to the camp. "So, how did you get chased onto our territory, aside from Wei?" Gan Ning quired. 'I can't tell him that my father was a huge enemy of the whole country!' "Uhm, You tell me something about you first." She spoke, hoping he would not try to prod her for answers. "Well," He said as he puffed his chest slightly as a sign of pride, "I used to be a pirate, in case you haven't heard me from earlier, who was asked by several leaders to lead fights and in return, I get money! It all changed after the battle of Kia Kou because some of the generals in Wu wanted me as a part of their army."

Lu Mei felt a little intrigued at the way this man proudly spoke about his past, looking at him with mild interest. "Sounds like you had a good life." She spoke. "Yeah, it was. But there are times where seeing this makes it a whole lot better." He pointed to his left. She gazed at where he was pointing and saw a huge snow covered field with small mountains in the background. The sight gave her an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia and brought her walk to a halt. "Hey, why'd you stop?" Gan Ning leaned in from behind her, looking confused at her change of action. Xue looked up at her, tilting its head in confusion as Gan Ning spoke again. "We still have a long way there." Lu Mei blinked softly before shaking her head and started walking again, replying in a somber tone. "It was nothing." He followed behind her as she continued on.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ANOTHER TIME SKIP! ~~~~~~~~~~~~

The sun had barely set as they came closer to the gates of Wu's main camp. The walls of the gate were tall as she came closer and noticed some men standing on top of the wall. 'Patrolling officers.' She thought as they noticed her and Gan Ning. "We need to see the Emperor!" Gan Ning called up to them through cupped hands, although his voice was loud enough on its own. The officers gave off a signal and the gates made a heavy groaning sound as they were opened. As she walked through the camp, she noticed various officers and generals gathered around herself and her wolf. She felt herself tense and continued to walk, staying calm from feeling her loyal wolf pad along with her. They stopped at the doors as Gan Ning looked back at the gathering people. "'Tch, BACK OFF WILL 'YA??" She jumped in surprise as he glared at the scattering crowd.

"People these days." He muttered in mild irritation as he opened the doors to the main building. "Hey. You might have to leave the wolf outside." He gestured to Xue while Lu Mei looked down at her companion. "Sit." She spoke calmly as Xue obeyed, letting out a soft whine in protest. She patted its head as she walked inside, the feeling of anxiety eating away at her composure.

The hall was large with maidens walking throughout the smaller connected halls. The maidens stared at her as she stared back, feeling a little bolder after a little before a soft masculine voice called out. "Gan Ning? Who did you bring with you?"

A man with calm, brown eyes and very long hair stepped out from a hall. "General Zhou Yu, this is Lu Mei." Gan Ning gave a respectful nod before gesturing to her. "I've heard that she was coming today. Is she a friend of yours?" Lu Mei flushed as Gan Ning wrapped one arm around her shoulders. "Why, you're right! She's a dear friend of mine! We're practically best buds!" 'I swear, once Zhou Yu looks away, I'm gonna punch him!' Lu Mei thought to herself while glaring at Gan Ning as another man walked in, wearing tiger-like robes over his silk covered attire. The man gave Lu Mei a warm smile as his eyes gave a soft gleam of recognition. "It's nice to see you again, Lu Mei." He smiled at her as she stared at him until she realized who he was, her eyes widening afterward. "Sun...Quan??"

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