~Leaving Home~

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Lu Mei walked in the hall of the family's main home as she awaited the news. It was not long before a huge bang was heard. Looking over her shoulder she saw Diao Chan full of smiles as she ran to hug Lu Mei. "You Passed!!! I'm so happy!!!" "That's great, but you're kind of taking the breath out of me" Diao Chan looked as her daughter was struggling to breathe. "Oh, sorry!" She sheepishly said as Lu Mei finally was able to breathe. "So, Mother...does that means that I can join the Battle tomorrow?" Tomorrow was going to be the battle where Shu and Wei had allied to take down Xia Pi. Her mother's face stopped smiling as she shook her head. "I'm sorry Mei, but your father has demanded that you are not to join in the battle tomorrow." "Oh, okay then." Lu Mei said, feeling a pang of sadness but knew better than to complain. She walked through the halls to her room, closed the door, and flopped on the bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~~~~~~~

"LU MEI!!! WAKE UP!!!" Lu Mei drowsily opened her eyes to see the house around her on fire. Her mother was frantically screaming to her as she dragged her daughter up from the bed. "Listen to me Mei, Very. Carefully." She grabbed Lu Mei's cheeks and made Lu Mei face her. "Go to the kingdom of Wu, find your friend Sun Quan, and join his army. I love you, my child." Diao Chan had tears streaming down her face as she spoke the last words. "Go now and don't fight. You'll have that chance one day." "But-" "GO!" Diao Chan led her daughter to a secret tunnel and pushed her in. Lu Mei barely saw her mother being grabbed and pulled away before the entrance closed. The tunnel was dark as Lu Mei crawled through the tight space. It was only a moment's time before a soft but bright light shone through. Shielding her eyes, she looked to her horror to see a huge battle between her father's forces and Shu and Wei's forces combined. She rushed into the bushes and was almost through when a familiar voice yelled, "HANDS OFF ME, YOU SCUM!" She whipped her head around to see her father being pushed down to his knees, with his hands all tied up. Opening her mouth to speak, she was quickly distracted by a brush of soft fur on her leg. She looked down to see the white wolf, which she named Xue, leaning on her.  

Cao Cao's POV~

I finally had that traitor Lu Bu down to his knees. Next to his ally, Zhang Liao. I will try to see if they are worthy enough to serve me. "You now stand face to face with death. only one thing can save you: Me. I have something to ask; What is Strength?" I feel myself smile to this clever question but maintained a straight face. The two are silent before one speaks, "Strength" Lu Bu starts, "is easily usable for power and fear." "Strength is an inside power that gives a man courage in life." Zhang Liao answers. I beckon a soldier over to my side with a few waves of my hand. "......Send Lu Bu over to the execution arena." "WHAT?! NO!!" Lu Bu starts moving the soldiers aside and breaks the rope that had previously bound his hands. He moves his hand to grab me but was caught in a chain cast by Xu Zhu. An arrow flies and misses my face, but was close enough to draw blood. A young girl with white hair was holding a bow while placing in another arrow. Two of the soldiers starts to rush at her before Lu Bu starts struggling again. "GO! THIS ISN'T YOUR FIGHT!" he yells to the girl. It was too easy to tell she was his daughter, but she listened and ran. Lu Bu manages to break free again, only this time I was prepared. A loud SHING! followed as I ran the spear across his chest, dealing a fatal blow. "FATHER!!!!!" Another voice was heard as Lu Bu's body had collapsed. Looking around, I finally spotted where the scream came from: a young girl with black hair. Her eyes stared straight at me as if to say 'How could you do this?'  she ran off just I told my cousin, Xiahou Dun, to bring her head back. I started turning around to start back with a new capable officer. "You have no idea what you just did." Zhang Liao said softly. "What did you say?" He looked at me as he spoke again, this time louder; "You just have made an enemy of The Phoenix."

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