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Through the dark night sky, Lu Mei flew with the girl still clutching her feathers. "D-don't you think you're too high??" The girl squeaked, trembling heavily as it was apparent heights were not her thing. Looking down she could recognize the dim lights of a few villages, one of them more recognizable than the others. "Hmm...I'll fly lower, we're almost there either way."

"Almost there? Where are we going?" The girl questioned. "We are heading to Wu territory, where I live." Lu Mei answered. "Oh... wait- I never had the chance to introduce myself; I'm Yue Fing." "It's nice to meet you Yue Fing. I feel you'll fit in just fine." She said softly as she looked to her right. "Oh look. The sun's coming." She said and let out a loud screech.


Gan Ning was still sleeping when Xue poked its head up and perked its ears. It jumped off the bed and wagged its tail, sitting down and whining at the door. Gan Ning looked over at the wolf tiredly, lifting his head from where he slept. "Wha- go to sleep Xue, it's not morning yet." Xue continued to whine despite the tart tone Gan Ning's voice carried in the moment. Gan Ning growled at the wolf as it seemed more excited than usual.

"Whaddya want?!" Xue barked and sniffed the bottom of the door. 'Is she back?!' He thought as he got up, quickly trudging over to the door and opened it. Nobody was there but Xue jumped out and ran around in circles. It let out a loud bark and started to run off, straight towards the field. "W-wait up!" Gan Ning briskly said as he ran after the wolf. "What's going on?!" Ling Tong said as he walked out from his room and spotted Gan Ning running. Ling Tong then chased after him, curious on what the odd pirate and the wolf was doing.

Xue continued to bark every once in a while, speeding ahead with a wagging tail. Gan Ning kept running, feeling exhilarated until he tripped over Xue, who had suddenly stopped. He stood back up and connected eyes with a large feathered beast. Someone was holding onto their back, looking down at him in pure fear.

"Ah, hello down there! Um...y-you're in a dream a-and this is all fake!" The girl called out to him, ducking behind the feathers.

"Woman! I was born at night but it wasn't last night!" Gan Ning growled tartly. "Gan Ning...I didn't think you would see me like this." His eyes widened as he realised who the beast really was. "...LU MEI?!!!" 

The bird craned its neck down to let the girl hop off and it started to shrink, then becoming a ball of light that dispersed to reveal Lu Mei. Gan Ning was silent and confused, still staring at Lu Mei.

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" Ling Tong exclaimed, stepping out from the bushes, scaring the absolute crap out of Gan Ning and the girls. Lu Mei stood silent and then coughed. "Guys, this is Yue Fing, she helped me escape from Wei." "EXCUSE ME BUT WHAT?!" Gan Ning said as he looked back at Lu Mei. "I THOUGHT SHU TOOK YOU!" "What?" "Allow me to explain." Ling Tong said, stepping forward. He then explained how they didn't see her come back and how there was a body found near Shu territory.

"That girl who died was the person who sold me to Wei." Lu Mei fumed, clenching her fist. "SHE DID WHAT NOW?!" They said simultaneously. "She betrayed me and sold me to Wei so she could escape remaining there as a concubine. I think they killed her right after the transaction." Lu Mei growled, unclenching her fists and looked away form the others. Gan Ning stared at Lu Mei before he walked forward, grabbed her arm, and stomped off with her in tow. "Erm, Ling Tong? Can you help Yue Fing get situated at the camp?" Lu Mei called to him while being dragged away. "Alright! I'll also prepare your funeral!"

"HUH?!" Yue Fing stared up at Ling Tong in fear of losing her new ally. "Don't worry, he loves her too much to actually kill her." He grinned as Yue Fing frowned lightly in response to his little joke.

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