~Beginning a new life~

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Lu Mei walked out from the medic area, this time the wound completely closed. With Xue by her side, she walked forward while keeping a straight posture. "Hey. How are ya? Didn't think you would show up this early." Gan Ning walked over to her from his group of friends, a soft smile on his face as he looked down at her. 'He seems much happier than the way he was last night...' Lu Mei noted as she replied back cheerily. "My wound is fully healed now so don't worry about it. Although, I am wanting to explore the camp." She looked around, feeling surrounded despite there were only a few people around them. Gan Ning perked up and nodded, guiding her off to show her around.

  They spoke and stayed together throughout the morning as more people filed in the campground, just as the sun gleamed its light through the trees. Ling Tong walked over to them, keeping a distance away from Gan Ning but stood next to Lu Mei; focusing his attention on her, "Hey Mei, what are you planning to do now that you're in Wu?" Lu Mei stayed silent for a little before replying, "Well, I am wanting to join Sun Quan's army even if I don't gain any rank or something. I'm just happy to be alive, to be honest." 

It was a little in the afternoon when Zhou Yu called for Lu Mei. She left the two generals and walked with Zhou Yu. "What is it? Did Sun Quan need me for something?" She looked up at him, her mind full of questions. Zhou Yu looked to her and handed her a scroll, "Sun Quan needs this delivered in Shu territory. I would ask some of our other officers, but they are all busy for now. I see that you have already made some friends," he murmured while gesturing to Ling Tong and Gan Ning, who were back to back from each other- both looking peeved, "I presume they can assist you. Shu is not much of a dangerous kingdom, but be careful nevertheless." Lu Mei nodded and walked off towards them after thanking Zhou Yu for the mission.

Joining the two men, who were still not talking, she cleared her throat for their attention. "Zhou Yu gave me an item to deliver to Shu. I don't know the way, but I can use your help." She inquired, stepping away as they silently glared at each other. "Or I can just-" "I'm coming." The two spoke in unison before glaring at each other again. "There's nothing else I really need to do so let me guide you." Ling Tong stated calmly. Gan Ning sighed, "I'm coming too, you'll never know what could strike out at 'ya." He stood up, stretched his muscles, and walked off to grab his sword without another word. Ling Tong nodded curtly before heading over to the weapons area. 

Ling Tong and Lu Mei rode on horses while Gan Ning walked alongside them, moving at a calm pace. "So, what did Sun Quan write in the scroll?" Gan Ning prodded. "It wouldn't be in the scroll if Sun Quan wanted to let the whole world know of his thoughts." Ling Tong replied tartly, gaining a pissed glare from the pirate. "I'm not sure myself, but it must be important if he has to look for someone else to send it." Lu Mei spoke up softly, not sure of what the scroll could contain. They continued their trek towards Shu before Ling Tong sighed and grabbed onto the reins of his horse, seemingly irritated.

"Well, it's up to us to get it to Shu and at this rate we won't make it before nightfall." Ling Tong said and whipped his reins, causing his horse to gallop forward. "Hey! Do you suppose I can run all the way there?!" Gan Ning called after the galloping horse as it ran off, huffing in irritation as no reply was heard. Lu Mei looked at him in pity before stopping her horse and scooting back. "Get on so we can catch up!" She laughed. Gan Ning hesitated but jumped on the horse, sitting in front of her. "Hold on." He spoke tersely before getting the horse to gallop forward, the speed causing Lu Mei to wrap her arms around his waist in surprise, her face flushing as he chuckled lightly from how tightly she clung onto him. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~Some Time Soon~~~~~~~~~~~~

The three arrived at the gates of Shu just as the sun began setting.


They stopped in their tracks as a few guards walked over to them followed by a general. "Why have you come?" A young man with a long ponytail and a spear at his side questioned them as the guards scrutinized the group. Lu Mei straightened up and got off the horse, landing on the ground steadily.

Instantly, the guards held their weapons aimed to hurt Lu Mei if she moved. She looked at them in mild alarm before looking at the man with the long ponytail. "I was sent by Sun Quan to send a letter to Shu's emperor." She explained as she brought out the scroll slowly. The man stepped forward calmly and briskly took the scroll from her. "You may head back now. We have all we need, thank you." He stood still while Lu Mei got back on the horse, behind Gan Ning. "Wait!" They were cut off by an older man coming out of the gates, dressed in full armor.

"Lord Liu Bei, you shouldn't be out here!" the young man said in surprise as Liu Bei looked at Lu Mei, his eyebrows furrowing in thought. "Wait...you seem familiar." He gazed at her until he noticed the gleam of her father's spear, "I see now, you are the youngest child of Lu Bu, aren't you?" Lu Mei nodded softly as the guards and the younger man gasped. "That makes her even more dangerous! She can't be here!" The young man spoke as he stepped towards Lu Mei, making Gan Ning and Ling Tong tense and grip the handles of their weapons.

"Zhao Yun!" Liu Bei sharply cut him off, looking at him in a scolding manner, "She is not as dangerous as you think. She could be an ally; We aren't to judge her based on who her father is." He turned to her, "Say, are you in Sun Quan's army?" She nodded again as Zhao Yun eased his tense posture a little. Liu Bei took the scroll from Zhao Yun and opened it, reading it then closing it after a few moments.

"Come in for a little, I'm going to need to reply to this quickly." Liu Bei turned to the guards and no word was said, but they already knew what to do. The doors opened as he walked in followed by Lu Mei and her group, then by Zhao Yun. The doors behind them shut as Liu Bei turned back to them again, "Stay in this area while I respond to this. Zhao Yun, get them something to eat, it must have taken them a long trip here." Liu Bei turned and walked away as Zhao Yun beckoned for them to follow. The tied up their horses and Xue laid near the horses. It attracted the attention of some of the female soldiers that were in the camp. Lu Mei tensed up, scared at the new environment but was comforted by Ling Tong's hand on her shoulder. 

After eating, the group walked back to the horses and Lu Mei noticed Xue was gone. She felt herself panic until she saw him emerge from an area followed by a young girl with raven black hair, green eyes and a rounded face. She noticed the group and walked over, "Is that yours?" Lu Mei tensed up, "Yes, it is mine." The other girl looked at her and heaved a sigh, "It scared some of the animals in the farms. You should really restrain him." 

She looked at Xue once more before she turned away and walked off. "That was Xing Cai." Zhao Yun explained as Lu Mei scolded her wolf. "She's one of the toughest fighters Shu has." He remarked proudly while Lu Mei patted Xue's head for comfort shortly before Liu Bei walked towards them, flashing a friendly smile to the three, "Here..." He said as he gave Lu Mei a green-ish scroll, "Give this to Sun Quan. He'll need it as soon as possible." He wished the group farewell and opened the gates. Right after they began their journey back Zhao Yun stopped outside the gates and watched them go.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip!~~~~~~~~~~~~

They arrived back in Wu's camp in the dark of the night. Lu Mei got off the horse and stretched, due to of all the sitting during the ride. The cold outside caused them to keep close as they headed to the Emperor's Hall. The doors opened to a warm but dark hall. She shivered, remembering the first time she walked in. Zhou Yu walked out of one side of a connecting hallway and noticed the group. "Did Liu Bei say anything?" "Nothing that could cause worry; But he did send back a letter". She gave him the scroll after reporting to him. Zhou Yu looked to them before walking away, "You did a great job, go eat now and get some rest." 

Gan Ning walked with Lu Mei over to the housing area after a well-fed meal. They stopped short at a door and he turned and faced her; "This is yours. Best if you don't make too much noise, there are others sleeping nearby. Either way, be up by sunrise and wait at the training area. They will give you someone to train with." He walked off and raised his hand to wave goodbye as he left. Watching him walk away she smiled softly before she slid open the door and laid down on the already set up bed. Xue jumped on beside her and turned in circles before laying down, its nose tucked away by its tail. She petted its fur gently and let the night ambience lull her to sleep.

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