~Facing Death~

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Lu Mei's throat started to ache as she ran, her mind full of memories she shared with her father. The pain of losing him suddenly released a burning sensation in her body, as if fueled by her anger. 'What is this...feeling?' She thought as she finally slowed in a clearing among the forest. Her legs unable to move anymore, she fell to the tree's roots and sobbed her pain out. A sudden rustle quieted her. Moving slowly, she headed towards the bushes until a large, dark figure emerged from the bushes. Holding a large sword, the figure attacked; swinging it at her. Lu Mei jumped back as the figure swung his sword again, this time hitting her in the side-causing her to fall to her knees, clutching her side as she glared up at him. "Who....who are you?" She asked the man as he stalked towards her. The figure lifted his sword "Xiahou Dun, Remember that name." She winced as she prepared for her early death.

SHING! She glanced up to see another male had blocked Xiahou dun's sword. "I thought you were stupid, but to come this far into Wu territory, what a story to tell the emperor of Wu!" The male spoke. Xiahou Dun gritted his teeth as he glared at the man,"Back off, I'm only here to get this...peasant. She stole something that belongs to our lord Cao Cao so I have to fulfill my duty." "HA! What lies, she has nothing on her!"

"General, I will say this one more time, let me get the girl, or face Cao Cao and his army." The male chuckled as he grabbed his sword, "Well, I am bored...So bring it!" Xiahou Dun swung his sword at the general, Who blocked it and swung back. The two clashed until the clearing was surrounded by troops. Xiahou looked around at the surrounding troops with a angered scowl- he was defeated. With one more glance at Xiahou Dun's figure retreating back towards Wei territory the man laughed as the surrounding troops lowered their weapons. "Well, that was quite a show, right....." He turned around to see her gone. "Well, seems I have some prey to catch!" He chuckled before he ran off, the sound of bells jingling filled the air.

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