~Inner Burning~

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Several nights after the battle of He Fei, many of the soldiers in Wu felt shame and anger over their loss, with many training obsessively. Amongst them was Lu Mei, whos eyes were darkened as her mind replayed her fight with Zhang Liao; her teacher, mentor, but now....enemy. Gritting her teeth she clenched her spear tighter, waving it around and slashing at the target, making small nicks in it. With each slash her anger grew, all the bitter feelings and painful memories of her broken family adding fuel within.

A small ring of bells rang out softly as Gan Ning walked by, stopping and looking in. Seeing her so angry struck something within and he flinched, noticing the target crumpling over yet Lu Mei was still striking out at it. Taking a deep breath in he stepped in, slowly making his way to her. His eyes remained stuck to her as she kept swiping with her spear, her knuckles white from the tight grip she had. Staying quiet for a few moments he studied her moves before speaking in a surprisingly quiet tone.

"You're tiring yourself out Mei...You should stop."

And that she did, halting as the tip of her spear shook. She stayed in place but a sob broke loose, followed by a tear slipping down her face and onto the floor. Looking down she finally spoke up, her voice breaking.

"This isn't fair...why did it have to be me?" "....What?" She slowly looked up, staring at the broken target but refusing to face her lover. "Why did I have to go through this? Everything. was fine. Everything was working....until they..." Her shoulders slumped as she fell on her knees, her black hair shielding her face from view, "I could've helped....I could've fought and saved them...but I ran....I ran away..."

Furrowing his brows the pirate stepped forward, looking down at her with clouded eyes. A moment passes and he was kneeling down next to her, looking down at the ground. Silently he lifted an arm, wrapping it around her shoulders and every so gently pulled her close, resting his face in her hair as he spoke up tenderly.

"...You're not the only one with regrets. You're not the only one who wishes to turn back time... I know...I know..."

Memories pulsed through the both of them and with a soft cry Lu Mei rested her head against his chest, her emotions loose as she was shielded from the outside. Letting a few moments pass Gan Ning moves his other arm, wrapping her in a warm embrace.

"C'mon...we shouldn't be out this late." Without warning Lu Mei was lifted up, her spear dropping and her feet off the ground as the pirate carried her away. Following behind, Snow picked the spear up and carried it back to his owner's room.

With the moon high in the sky, and the night breeze coursing through the camp, the sound of footsteps and the soft ringing of bells were audible in the silence. Staying quiet Gan Ning laid her onto her bed, stepping back a bit with a quiet sigh. Behind him Xue dragged in the spear, dropping it halfway onto the bed, hopping on afterwards and laying down, letting out a huff. Gan Ning sighed and looked at her.

"Listen...we've been given shitty lives... and we both have something to regret. And I'll be honest...I can't stand seeing you like this." Looking away he held his arm in a sheepish manner while furrowing his brows, not liking this vulnerability. "So stop crying over the past, and move forward. or I will be pushing you from behind."

Lu Mei looked at him, taking in his words before sniffling and wiping her tears, letting out a quiet giggle. "Quite a moving speech..." Sitting up she looked at him and smiled a little, moving her hair out of the way. "You're right...the things that happened can't be changed. I...I honestly don't know you completely...but I am open to talking about it sometime- And please don't push me."

"Well don't stick to the past." With a huff he leaned down and hugged her, a bit of heat rising to his cheeks. "If something's bothering you come talk to me...I mean it.- Oh shut up you." He jabbed at Xue as the wolf growled softly at their close contact. With a soft chuckle Lu Mei kissed her lover's cheek, leaning against him. "Thank you."

Blushing a lot now she pulled back slightly, looking at Gan Ning. "I don't mean to bother but...can- can you sleep with me tonight?" Going from calm to extreme panic his face went full red, his eyes widening a lot. "EH?!" He has slept with women before but this felt different; a whole new level to love never explored. "Like.... sleep or sleep?"


With a confused look she observed his expressions before catching on, her face going red as well. "Not that sort of sleep!!!" Moving back she covered her face in embarrassment. "I didn't even think of it that way- dirty! Just- dirty!" Grabbing a pillow she flung it at Gan Ning, hitting him in the face. "Ow- Hey its not my fault!" (total lie there!)

Moving back he had his hand on the door and with a chuckle he closed it, sitting down on the floor next to the bed. "I'll be right here, since you wanna play like that."

With the mood lifting she uncovered her face, looking at him in disbelief before laughing softly, her blush fading a little. "No. come up here. Its alright." Wrapping a blanket around herself she looked at him expectantly. Looking back at her he huffed lightly, getting on and pulling his lover close, making a teasing gesture at Xue as it growled again.

Comfortable in Gan Ning's embrace Lu Mei smiled and laid her head against his chest, her eyes drooping tiredly from the training. Adjusting his movements he took off his bells, setting them to the floor gently before laying down, Lu Mei still wrapped in her blanket and in his arms. Pressing a kiss to her head he held her close as he mumbled softly before sleeping himself, "There... now get some sleep..."

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