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After her time meeting Li; Lu Mei had a look of pure determination in her eyes as she re-entered the camp, surprising the people who had seen her. It didn't take long before rumors began to spread amongst the lower ranked soldiers, referring to her as a demon rather than the honored general she had been set as from her aid in battle and in part due to Sun Quan growing fond of his young friend so quickly after she joined.

Lu Mei could hear their murmurs but chose to not interfere with it; giving a glare to the gossipers and terrifying them in the process. On the inside, she was extremely upset and couldn't help feel the same way from how much abilities she possessed since childhood.

Soon enough she was sent by Lu Meng to investigate a series of swift and successful acts of thievery, leaving Xue in Ling Tong's care as she decided to tackle this alone. Riding a horse away from the camp, she only carried her spear and attached some filled saddlebags to it for the travel. After passing the village she used to go into often, she only got so much further before the sound of racing hoof steps approached closer in her direction. Turning her head over her shoulder she lifted her spear to strike out until she noticed who was tailing her.

"Now what d'ya think you're doing?!" Gan Ning's voice called out as he approached, turning his horse to cut off Lu Mei's horse from the path ahead, with him looking at her with mixed anger and worry. Lu Mei pulled her reins to back her horse up slightly as she looked over at him with a sad expression on her face.

"I was going on a quest Lu Meng sent me on. Too many successful heists and too little strategies that is stopping the criminals."

"I heard! But to go alone is beyond stupid- what were you thinking?!"

A moment of silence lingered between them before Lu Mei sighed and slowly guided her horse to go side by side with him, her eyes glued to the mane of the horse she was riding. Gently petting her horse's hair she frowned some before looking up at him, her voice filled with sadness; "Did you hear it from all those recruits at home? They all think I'm some demon... I can't just burden you to come with me..."

"Mei! I'm not going anywhere! Besides, demon or not, I still love you all the same and..." Gan Ning's temper eased as he spoke truthfully to his lover, looking to her with a warm gaze before leaning closer and placing a tender hand on her shoulder. Lu Mei felt her cheeks flush with heat as she felt his hand on her shoulder, looking at him with wide eyes before she was suddenly shaken by Gan Ning.

"...And I can't handle you going alone dammit! I can only handle so much stress, Mei!"

"O-KAY OKAY! I got it!" Lu Mei squeaked out before grabbing his wrist with her free hand, stopping him from further shaking her and gave a soft sigh in relief afterwards. She then giggled softly at his actions before setting her spear away and recomposing herself on her horse.

"Well then... I am on my way to one of the supply reserves, close to Yongping. I'm sure they're bound to strike there next, telling from these past robberies they've done..."

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Gan Ning settled back on his horse before looking to Lu Mei, letting her guide her horse ahead of him and followed her as she had her horse gallop away. Feeling the wind rush through her hair and each hoofstep on the ground below, her mood lifted into a more gleeful manner as she continued to race through the land.

Stopping next to a stream near the located supply preserve, Lu Mei got off of her horse to let it get water; looking over her shoulder to see Gan Ning guiding his horse to the water as well. He caught her gaze and chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as he stepped closer to her.


A small snapping sound brought Lu Mei to hold up a hand to quiet him, looking around carefully at the surrounding scenery. Aside from the stream the horses were drinking from, there was thick shrubbery growing at the roots of the trees; with little to no clear sighting of a path other than the ones their horses made.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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