~The Test~

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Lu Mei walked proudly as she entered the edge of the forest. Where Zhang Liao was waiting calmly. "You've made it, Lu Mei." He commented as she walked over.

"Yes but-" "No buts, Lu Mei. You already know how well you can do once the test has been completed. Don't worry about what your father or sister says, you'll make it." Lu Mei smiled at the words of encouragement and nods. Their conversation is interrupted as her father rides in on top of his horse, Red Hare. Ling Qi follows from behind as she is riding on a brown colored horse. "As you know, you will be tested on your strength, agility, and swiftness. I expect you to do the best." Lu Mei nods as Zhang Liao turns away, scoffing. Lu Mei grabs her spear as her father starts her off. "Ready...GO!"

At the release, she speeds into the forest, the place where she can easily fight. After running for a while, she slows as she starts to catch her breath. Not before long a stick breaks near her. She turns quickly as a soldier rushes her from behind. Using her spear, she quickly flips him over as five others rush in. In and out her spear jabs but does not inflict damage but distracts the soldiers, giving enough time for her to defeat them.

Just as she presumes she is done, a sudden weight drifts down on her back, pushing her down. Without hesitation, she turns over to pull away jabbing the spear at the enemies stomach. She quickly stands as she points her spear at the enemy, sharp end near the face. As the dust clears, Zhang Liao coughed and padded his shoulders to remove the dust. "Well done" He breathed. "Shows that I had taught you well." Lu Bu says as he pulls into the clearing, his blue eyes showing a hint of pride. "Mei, head back home with Ling Qi. We will see if you're fit to fight or not." Lu Mei nods as a hand comes down. "Did you really think you were walking back?" Ling Qi asks gruffly. "...Maybe." Lu Mei smiles as she took her sister's hand and rode back to the fort.

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