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Lu Mei sat down at one of the benches, enjoying the breeze drifting through in the backyard of the building. A small petaled flower fell onto the bench next to her, taking her attention. Picking it up, she smiled softly as she looked at it, taking her guard down and smiling softly at it. A clutter of galloping caused her to bring herself back on guard, standing up in alert before walking back out to the main road of the village.

Gan Ning, followed by Ling Tong, got off his horse and held the reins in one hand and his scimitar in the other. Walking through the village he felt his anxiety rise as he couldn't see her. Continuing to look around he felt frustrated, the news bearing down on him. "Where is she?" Ling Tong scanned the groups, shaking his head ass he caught no sight of her. "What are you two doing here?" The two men turned around at the sound of her voice and Lu Mei stood behind them, outside the building she was in. Gan Ning briskly walked to her, moving his scimitar to the same hand holding the reins and took her hand in his now empty hand. "Come. I've got something to tell you." Ling Tong stood back, letting the two leave with a worried look on his face.

Going away from the village Lu Mei notices her lover's solemn look, feeling a bit of anxiety from the atmosphere. Taking her to the opening in the woods with the trees hiding them well he turned to Lu Mei. He looked different from before, giving her an extra wave of worry. Gan Ning sighed softly and tied the reins on a heavy branch, keeping the horse from wandering as he then rubbed the back of his neck and took a deep breath in, "Lu Mei...I...I've been told something today. I'm sorry you've got to hear it like this but-" "So was that why Lu Meng took you both aside?" Gan Ning looked confused but nodded. "He....He told us there was a body found on one of the rivers leading into Wu territory from Shu." Lu Mei felt herself express confusion, looking away and narrowing her eyes a bit. "Why...Why are you telling me this?"

Gan Ning felt the weight worsen on him and he crossed his arms, relaxing himself before murmuring softly, "Because, they believe the body is Diao Chan..."

Lu Mei's eyes widened in shock and she looked back at him quickly. "What?! Are you sure it's her?! I-It could be someone that looked like her or-" She fell silent as he held out his hand, a small item in the palm of his hand. Taking it she looked carefully at the item in her hands, a few tears falling as she recognized the pendant of a bird, the same one given to her before her test in Xia Pi. Beginning to cry, she held it to her chest and looked down, her tears falling to the floor. Gan Ning stepped forward but Lu Mei shook her head and stepped back. "I'm sorry you have to hear this....at all..." He fell silent as he remembered something and sighed, sitting on a log his horse was tied to. "It hurts...at first, but soon enough you get over it and move on. The faster, the better."

Lu Mei looked at him and feel silent, her tears still falling as he continued. "I... My mother died when I was very young, so I never got to know her. So it was my father and I for many years. He was a generous and kind man, working on a ship and carrying supplies from dock to dock. One day, some pirates attacked the ship and he died... and in the flames covering the ship I was spared, being taken in by those pirates." He stopped talking and covered his face in his hands, "If my father saw me now..."

"He would be proud...surprised, but proud." Lu Mei eased her sorrow and sat next to Gan Ning, still stunned by the news. She looked at him, hesitant and not getting any closer to him, "You not only survived that attack, but you've grown stronger. And it may seem shocking that you were a pirate...but, you're a general now...a soldier in an army to change the land itself. If no parent is proud then they are blind."

Gan Ning was silent before chuckling and pulling Lu Mei close, hugging her. Caught off guard, she hesitated before hugging back, feeling the guard she held dissipate. "You know, they would be proud of you too." He murmured softly, gently pulling away and holding her hands in his. Lu Mei thought back to the many tests she had before the big one with her father, the many lessons with Zhang Liao, the training and encouragement of Diao Chan, and the competitive nature of Lu Ling Qi. Feeling bittersweet, she looked away. "I...I think we should head back...I need some rest." Looking confused since the sun was high, he shrugged and stood up with her, letting her hands go to untie the reins.

Lu Mei didn't wait for him as she walked back into camp, the soldiers' gaze heavy upon her shoulders. Going into a rush she went back to her room and slid the door closed. Setting her spear aside and sitting on the bed she covered her face and wept, the weight on her shoulders increasing. A padding of pawsteps came to her door, followed by a soft whine. Getting up and sliding the door open, Xue ran in and leapt on the bed, curling its tail around his body. Laying down next to him, Lu Mei looked at the white wolf and gently petted his head, his ears flicking in response as his paws prodded at her lap in concern. A soft jingle of bells was heard as Gan Ning appeared in the doorway, hesitating a bit before walking in, sliding the door closed.

Sitting on the bed next to Lu Mei, he looked at Xue and watches as she kept petting him before she spoke up, "He was a gift from my father." "...Hm?..." "Xue was a gift from my father, Lu Bu..." She sat up next to him and gently pulled Xue's head onto her lap, the wolf nonchalant about being moved. "I don't remember how he got him, but I do remember the day he gave him to me." Gan Ning nodded softly, letting Lu Mei continue.

"It was a good year since I began training, and I was getting good, but after a small rebellion began inside Xia Pi, with many threatening mine and Ling Qi's life, he needed someone loyal enough to aid me.' Xue licked his lips happily, letting out a big sigh as he remained comfortable in his owner's lap. "I was beginning to slack that day, my mind blurred from the expectations and the rebellion...and my father stopped by my room. He was gentle when placing the pup next to me and he left shortly without a word, but...I could feel a bit of happiness from him as I myself was elated. I named him Xue; after the cold seasons...He's...fourteen about now..." Her eyes widened as she realized, and she kept petting him, more tears falling. Gan Ning was intrigued over the wolf, looking down at him. Xue looked back at him and raised his head, giving a huff before rising to his paws and getting off the bed, sitting at the door. Lu Mei stood up and opened the door, letting a soft cry of surprise as Ling Tong stood at the door.

Xue slid past the humans and went off to the woods as Gan Ning and Ling Tong locked eyes, neither attempting a jab or insult for the moment. "He told you?" Ling Tong asked, getting a nod from Lu Mei in reply. "Good...er, Yue Fing and I were going to get something to eat at a nearby village and-" "We're going." Gan Ning said as he got up from the bed and stretched; with Lu Mei nodding in agreement, needing something to get her mind off of her mother's death. "Alright...we'll be waiting for you both..." He walked off to go talk to Yue Fing. "You know, I feel he has a soft spot for the girl, eh what's her name?..." "Yue Fing?..." Lu Mei half-asked, looking where Ling Tong had walked off to. "Yeah yeah- her. We should get going before they leave us." She walked out of the room and over to them with Gan Ning following behind, his mind clouded with words that have yet to be spoken.

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