Chapter 2: Good is Bad and Bad is Good... Right?

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"Wake up...." A voice calls out to me from the dark. "Wake up young one." Slowly, I open my eyes, only to be blinded by the sun.
"Holy moly, that's bright!" I sit up covering my eyes from the light. Once my eyes adjust, I look around me. I was in the middle of a forest. How I got here is beyond me. Something glowing beside me caught my attention.
"Whats this?" I pick up a purple gem. It felt... Strange. My stomach flipped and rolled, but I just stared into the glowing gem.
"Ohoh! A Chaos Emerald!" A voice from behind made me jump. I turn to see a.... Large man with a brown mustache behind me. His eyes covered by shadowed glasses.
"A what?" I turn to him.
"How dare you!" His voice turned harsh, making me jump again. "Stealing my precious emerald!"
I looked down at the glowing emerald, then back at the man. "I'm sorry sir, I didn't know this was yours. I didn't mean to steal." I walk up to him and hold out the gem.
"You're.... Givingme the Chaos Emerald?" He seemed surprised. I nod and he, hesitantly, took the gem. "Why, aren't you a kind hedgehog."
"Hedgehog? I'm no hedgehog sir." I tilt my head.
"Really? You look like a hedgehog to me." The man raised a eyebrow. I lift my hand in front of me and freeze. My hand was covered with a white glove. I look down at my feet to see my shoes have changed into a green and white color. I dash over to the near lake and peer at my reflection.
"Ek! I-I'm a hedgehog!" My new quills a fern green, the tips of my quills and ears were black. My eyes a moonlight silver. I stumbled away from the lake falling on my butt. "H-how did this happen!?" I squeal.
"Tell me, what's the last thing you remember?" The man was next to me, his face concerned.
"I remember.... Remember..." I rub my head, frowning, trying to remember. But nothing came. "I don't remember anything..."
"Oh? Do you remember your name?" He asked.
"Uh... Yeah, I'm Zara." I look up at the man, I felt like I should be taller than I was. But, I don't remember if that's true. "What's your name?"
"Ohoh, I'm Doctor Eggman." Eggman dose a short bow. "Zara, what a lovely name for a young, and sweet girl." He smiled at me. I turn and look at my reflection again.
"What happened to me?" I ask quietly. Dr. Eggman looked down at the emerald. Soon a smile spread across his face.
"I may have a solution to both our problems." Eggman held the emerald in front of me. "You see my dear, there are six more gems like this one. Only that they differ in colors. There's this pesky hedgehog by the name of Sonic. He and his friends keep stealing my gems for their wicked ways, and evil plans." He pauses before continuing. "If you can get all of my gems back for me, I'll help you regain your memory."
"Really? You would help me?" My eyes widened.
"Yes, but first, bring me one more Chaos Emerald. That way I know your serious about getting your memory back." Eggman said. "Then, as you gather the rest, I can work on that memory." I smile at him.
"I would love to help you Dr. Eggman. So, tell me more about this... Sonic." I need to know more in order to help.
"Ah, what a sweet girl you are." Eggman patted my head and put his hand on my back. "I'll tell you on the way to my lab- I mean home." He smiled as we walk.
I listened closely as Eggman described Sonic and a few of his friends. From his distribution, Sonic is evil and very clever. Fast too. I'll need to be on my guard when I'm around him.
"Sonic can be extremely manipulative when he wants to be, so don't listen to him." Eggman said.
"Right." I nod.
"Ah, home sweet home." Eggman pointed to a large tower on the side of the ocean.
"This is your house!?" My jaw dropped.
"Indeed. Come, I'll show you inside. If you wish, I have a spare room for you to sleep in. If you have nowhere to go, that is." My stomach growled and Eggman roared with laughter.
"Indeed will get lunch ready. Decoe, Bocoe, Bokkun!" Eggman called out. Within seconds, three robots ran into the room.
"You called Doctor?" The tall yellow robot asked.
"Doctor don't move! There's a green hedgehog behind you!" A little blackish, purple robot said. "Don't worry Doctor Eggman, I'll rid of it!" He flew at me, trying to throw a punch. I grab his hand and laugh
"Aw, he's so cute!" I laugh as the robot pulled away blushing.
"I am NOT cute!" Even his blush is adorable.
"That's enough, Bokkun. This kind hedgehog is helping us. And we will help her." Eggman's robots stared amazed.
"Really?" The grey one asked.
"Yes, I will explain to you three later. As for now," Eggman turned to me. "These are some of my creations. First is Bokkun." He points the floating robot. A small jet pack allows him to do so. "Then Decoe." He gestured to the yellow one. "Finally, Bocoe." Eggman pointed to the grey robot.
"Hello, I'm Zara" I smile at them.
"Bokkun, will you take Zara to the guest room?" Eggman asked and the little one nods.
"Yes, doctor. Follow me miss." I follow Bokkun with a happy skip to my step. "You seem real happy."
"Of course I am. Doctor Eggman is such a nice guy, for letting me stay and helping me." I smile. "And all for a few gems."
"Well, here ya go. It's not much." Bokkun opened the door that lead to a decent sized bedroom.
"Wow," I whistle. "This is cool." I walk in and sit on the bed.
"Um... Lunch will be ready shortly, I'll come get you when it is." Bokkun wouldn't look at me.
"Ok, and hey." He turns to me one last time. "You don't have to be nervous, I won't bite you." I winked and his face turned red.
"R-right." His voice was high pitched. He leaves me alone in the room. He's so cute.
I smiled. "Eggman is a good guy. Watch out Sonic, because I won't let you take from him anymore."

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