Chapter 7: Ready to Roll

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"Hey Bokkun, can you hand me that wrench?" I asked. Bokkun nods and handed it to me. It was only hours ago when I started to build my robot. Eggman got all the scrap melted down last night. So I thought I would build the skeleton of the inside. Bokkun had nothing to do so he asked if he could help me. I don't have anything against him, why not?

"So when do you think it will be completed? The full robot I mean." Bokkun asked as I slide under the robot that laid on it's side.

"I don't know. Depends on how much I get done in one day. For now, I think the skeleton should be complete by..." I thought for a moment. "Lunch, hopefully."

Bocoe walked in. "I see you started on your prototype." He had his arms behind his back.

I nod. "Yeah, big thanks to Doctor Eggman for melting all those scraps last night."

"Your building a robot from pure scrap metal!?" Bocoe's eyes widened.

"Not entirely. Only the skeleton. I'll get some stronger metal to use for the armor." I said as I worked. "I may be able to power this on electricity... I wish there was a stronger power source I could use."

"This looks fantastic!" Eggman walked in. "See Bocoe? You may be able to learn a thing or two from her."

"Yes, Doctor." Bocoe crossed his arms.

I smile at him. "Do you want to help me? Your more experienced than me, I could use the help."

"No, I have more important matters to attend to." Bocoe walked out.

"I'm sorry for his behavior." Eggman sighed.

"It's okay Doctor." I shrugg it off and went back to building.

Eggman watched me work for a while, I didn't mind. In fact, I didn't know he was watching until I was done with the metallic skeleton. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and stood back to admire my work. Eggman put his hand on my head.

"This looks great. I cannot wait to see what it can do once it is finished." He smiled down at me.

I blush at his anticipation. "You could probably do better." I said bashfully. Eggman laughed and walked out. I walk over to some stacked metals and steels.

"Now for the armor." I said, shifting though the tough plates. Bokkun hovered next to me and watched me pound my fist on one of the steel plates.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Testing the strength. If it dents from a punch, then I have no use for it as armor." I explained. I looked down and saw a small dent in the metal were my fist made contact. "This one may be good for a blaster." I set it to the side. I sort through all the metals in the pile by its strength.

By the end of the day, as the sun was setting, I put the finishing touches on the robots wiring. Not much happened today, just a finished robot. But I couldn't help but smile as I walk to my room.

The next morning I woke up fairly early. Earlier than when I normally wake. I wrote a small note to Doctor Eggman, letting him know that I was going for a morning run. Moments later I'm outside. Running through the forest in a flash and stopping in the plains. I take a deep breath and lay down, enjoying the warm sun and breeze. I close my eyes and... Doze off. I didn't dream, nor was I truly asleep. I was aware of my surroundings, but not completely. I could still hear, but it was slow processing it.

"Well well, if it isn't the little thief." A low and dark voice made my eyes snap open. I was on my feet, facing none other than... Shadow and Sonic. Their's a new hedgehog face that I don't know. His quills a limestone silver with bright gold eyes. All three faces did not look happy.

"Thief!? Where!?" I look around mockingly. "I don't see one."

"Don't play dumb, we know you stole our Chaos Emeralds." Sonic growled.

I point the the silver hedgehog. "Who are you?" I asked, ignoring Sonic.

"Silver." He gave me a quick nod. "Why did you take Sonic's and Shadow's Chaos Emeralds?"

"Hi Silver, I'm Zara." I smile sweetly.

Shadow glared. "Stop ignoring us!" He snapped.

I smirk. "I'm not." I speed around the three of them, making them spin. I laughed as they spun and tried to regain their balance. I put my hands in my jacket pockets while wearing a smirk on my face.

"That's not funny." Shadow has stopped spinning.

I smile. "On the contrary, it is funny." I laugh and point at them. "You guys look ridiculous!"

"Will you just give us our emeralds?" Sonic held out his hand.

"What do you say?" I prompted.

"Please?" He sighed.

"Hmmmm... Naw." I smile. Now their getting upset.

"Give them back!" Shadow demanded.

I shook my head. "I don't have them all with me."

"Where are they?" Silver asked.

"I hid them." I cross my arms. Shadow grabbed the front of my shirt, lifting me off the ground.

"You're starting to get on my last nerve. Where are the Chaos Emeralds?" He glared.

"Somewhere you won't find them." I kicked him in the shins and Shadow released me. "But that won't matter. I'm going to put you in your place."

I stick my thumb and indexed finger in my mouth and let out a loud and long whistle. Once I finish I wait. Sonic, Shadow, and Silver look around in confusion. That's when the ground started to tremble. Large, metal feet draw closer.

I smirk. "Boys. I like you to meet my 'little' friend."

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