Chapter 27: You're my WHAT?

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I walk back to Sonic's house, pondering of Venice's idea. Honestly, it's brilliant, but could stir up a BUNCH of trouble if something goes wrong. After what he saw, I'm surprised by his proposition...

After I got back, I couldn't help but notice Sonic's emerald eyes darting over to me once in a while as he talked to the other guests, pink staining his cheeks the entire time. He must be thinking about the kiss, I couldn't contain my own blush whenever my mind would slip to the moment his lips touched mine. I smile sheepishly.

"What's wrong with you?" A female voice asked to the right of me, I turn to see Haven standing not too far off, a drink in hand.

"Hm? Oh hey Haven." I mumbled, half listening as the wolf tried starting conversation.

Eventually she got annoyed with my short responses, "Okay, what happened?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, trying to brush it off. However my face betrayed me, my cheeks beginning to steam. Haven grabbed me by the shoulders, staring hard core into my eyes, which had grown wide with surprise by her sudden action. "W-What?" I asked, voice cracking a little. She gasped and let go.

"YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR SOMEONE!" She yelled, earning everyone's attention in the room. Oh dear God help me, my face must be like... Firetruck red or something. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to avoid eye contact with the crowed around me.

"H-Haven, sh!" I stutter. 

She gave me a sly smile, "My bad, I didn't mean to say it so loud. But while on the subject~." Oh how I hate her sometimes.

"I-I uh..." My gaze darts around the room, trying to find something to stare at aside from the people around. That was till my orbs locked with green ones.

"Go on, you can tell us!" Haven pressed, nudging me. Before I could respond, an arm wrapped around my waist and I was pulled into a fluffy chest.

 "Guess we can't hide it from them any longer, sweetheart." I tensed when I realized it was Venice. He was holding rather close for my liking.

Tilting my head up to look at him, I give him a perplexed look, "Excuse me?" He smiled down at me, a malicious smile on his lips. That can't be good.

"Well yeah, they were bound to find out eventually. Can't hide love." He looked straight at Sonic, glaring at him. "After all, you are my girlfriend."


I shot a glance at Sonic, who looked both shocked, hurt, and... furious. "G-girlfriend? I'm not-"

Venice cut me off, "Yeah, remember, after we meet I asked you to be mine." He whispered into my ear, "Just play along, unless you want me to follow through with my promise."

A shutter ran through me, ears falling back. "O-okay..." I whisper back, dropping my eyes to the ground.

"Zara, you're dating this.... THING?" Haven asked with narrow eyes, "You've only known him for a DAY."

"Wait wait, I never said-." I started, only to stop as I feel Venice's breath flow down my neck.

"Zara is my girlfriend, so you can forget about harboring her for yourself." He said lowly to Sonic, "And next time I catch you forcing yourself onto her, I'll kill you."

Then chaos struck. HARD


I know its soooooooooo short! DX I'm sorry guys, but lately Mr. Writers block has been crashing in my brain. T3T

Hope you enjoyed anyway... Bye~!

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