Chapter 12: Betrayed

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I rouse to the sound of my name. "Pst... Zara." I sit up and look around.
"Who's there?" I asked. Bokkun flew down from the branch he sat on. My face lit up when I saw the little guy, but my smiled dissolved quickly. "Bokkun? What's wrong?" I could see the hurt in his eyes.
"I-I'm sorry..." He pulled out a small yellow TV from his messenger bag. Bokkun sat it down and flew off without another word. Confused, I push the button on the TV and Eggman appeared on the screen.
"Hello Zara. I am sorry to inform you that I have found no other powers that you possess. You have been missing for some time now, I have assumed you have been caught." Eggman paused. "And it is with great grief that I let you go."
My eyes widened. "L-let me go!?"
"You have no more value to me. You have already gathered two of the seven Chaos Emeralds that I need. You are useless to me and," Eggman laughed. "You were so gullible to believe that Sonic was evil! If you show up around here my robots are programmed to destroy any hedgehog. Even you." Eggman smiled. "Good bye hedgehog pest!" The video ended.
I heard a voice behind me, along with a hand on my shoulder. I glance to my side to see Sonic. Pity clouded his emerald eyes.
I take a shaky breath. "How much did you hear?" I asked.
Sonic shuffled his feet. "Erm... All of it..."
I growl. Not at Sonic, but at Eggman. That little sneak tricked me! Before Sonic could utter another word, I take off at high speed. I ran as fast as I could to Eggman's base, multiple feelings forcing me to do so. Anger, hurt, and.... Betrayal. My vision clouds as tears formed in my eyes. I knew this feeling well. The feeling of betrayal and the growing pain in my heart grew as I run. I have felt this before, I know I have, but when? I blink the tears away, not wanting to let my emotions get the best of me. I burst though the doors to Eggman's base.
"Z-Zara!?" I turn to see Eggman at the table. I glare at him and he gulps.
"You..." I walk toured him. "You tricked me." Eggman stands and takes a step back. "You lied to me." I feel my quills rise a little.
"Now now, can't we talk-" I cut him off by punching him in the jaw.
"I have nothing to say to you." I turn and ran though the base. Taking a few things as I went by. Finally, I run out of the base.
I ran. That's all I felt like doing. Nothing more than to run. When I stop, I find myself back at Sonic's house. I walk in to see everyone at the table. They turn to me, thus starting a staring contest.
"Sonic told us." Silver said sadly. I ignored him and dump the two Chaos Emeralds on the table.
"There." I tried to keep my voice from cracking. "You got what you wanted." I walked outside again, ready to leave for good, when Sonic ran out after me.
"Zara! Hold up!" He grabbed my arm. I look at him, trying to hide my hurt.
"What?" I asked, too tired to muster any hostility.
"I-I've been talking to the gang. And we thought maybe we could start off fresh?" He squeezed my arm lightly.
"Start off fresh? A clean slate?" My eyes widened at his offer.
Sonic nods. "And you can sleep here. If you want." He let go of my arm. "I have plenty of room."
I ponder over this. Where else can I go? "Sure. Why not." I shrug.
"Well, come on in. We're just about to eat." Sonic opened the door. "Hope you like chili dogs." I follow him back inside as Sonic pulled up another chair to the wooden table. He jesters for me to sit in the empty chair by him. "Sit down."
I do as he said and sat down. I glance at everyone at the table. Shadow, Silver, Tails, a pink hedgehog and a purple cat. The sudden feeling of nervousness flowed over me along with embarrassment. I only knew four of the six at the table. But my behavior hasn't really been clean as of late. I felt WAY out of place sitting with them.

"Zara, I'd like you to meet Blaze," Sonic points to the purple cat. "And that is Amy." He gestures to the pink hedgehog.

"Hi..." I gave them a small wave before letting my hand fall into my lap. The door opened as Rouge and Knuckles walk in.

"Well, I'm surprised to see you hun." Rough flashed me a smile, which I returned.

"Yeah... Some stuff went down so..." I look down as my eyes blurred.

Rouge set down some food she was holding and sat next to me. "How about you tell us."

Everyone stared at me, waiting for me to speak. Anxiety grew in my stomach and I felt my face heat up. I hate being the center of attention. My ears fell and I stare at my hands.

"Um... Well, you see..." I start to tell them about the day Eggman found me. About the lies he filled me with about Sonic and about caring for me. I told them about the recorded message Eggman sent. Once I was finished, everyone just sat there. Not knowing what to say. Even Shadow seemed a little, not a lot, surprised.
"So you don't remember anything before Eggman found you?" Knuckles asked.
I shake my head. "Nota thing."
"Amnesia. But that would sorta explain how he tricked you so easily." Tails said taking a bite out of a chili dog.
"Don't worry, we will help you get your memory back." Sonic said with a smile. "Won't we guys?"
"Of course I'll help hun." Rouge flashed Knuckles a smile. "And handsome over here will too."
Knuckles face tinted pink. "S-sure, what harm can come from it?"
"I'm in!" Tails said happily. "I could try to build a machine that could help."
Amy and Blaze exchange glances. "We won't mind helping. If you need us that is." Blaze spoke for the both of them.
"Tell me what I gotta do to help." Silver picked up a hot dog.
Everyone turns to Shadow. He's the only one who hasn't spoken at all. To be honest, I don't expect him to help. It's obvious that he hates me and would rather blow my head off.
Shadow looked at everyone with a blank expression. "Whatever. I don't care."
"That means yes." Sonic gave me a thumbs up.
I bow my head at them, unable to hide the smile that took over my face. "Thank you, all of you! This means a lot."
"Always ready to help those who need it." Sonic placed a chili dog on a plate and set it in front of me. "Go ahead and eat, there's plenty."
I stare at the plate. The delectable smell filled my nose and made my stomach growl.
Sonic laughed. "Someone sounds hungry." He said grabbing his own chili dog. I bite into the chili dog. It was pretty good, not outstanding good, but good.
Everyone started conversation with me. Asking random things and talking about things there is to do. It was fun. I laughed at the stupid jokes they made up. Now I feel like I belong. I think this will not only be fun, but interesting too.

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