Chapter 8: Caught

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"If that's her version of 'little' I would hate to meet large." Sonic looked up at my new creation. A red robot with broad shoulder and thick plates on the arms and legs. The dark yellow eyes glowing to show it was powered on. I smile as the three hedgehogs in front of me stare up at it. Only Shadow didn't look amazed. Which I'm fine with.
"Yes. This is my first robot I have built. And I am more than happy to see if it works properly." I pull out a remote from my pocket and push one of the buttons. The bot walked forward, throwing a powerful punch at the three. They all dodged and the robot followed them. Sonic used his speed to move away quickly. Shadow pulled out both his guns, firing at the bot. The bullets deflect off.
"Not even a scratch!" Silver yelled.
"Oh course. You think I was going to use weak armor?" I laughed and shook my head.
Silver evaded another attack. "That's it." His hand started to glow as did the robot. The bot froze and struggled to move.
My eyes widen. "How are you doing that?!"
"Telekinesis." Silver smirked and threw the robot back. I run out of the way before it landed on me.
"Hey watch it!" I snap at him. "You could have killed me!" The bot stood up and scanned the area.
It's eyes landed on me. "Eliminate Zara the hedgehog." A blaster popped out from its arm and fired at me.
"Yikes!" I used my super speed to get out of the way. "What's wrong with you! I didn't program you to attack me!"
"Eliminate the hedgehog." The bot said in its metallic voice.
"And I didn't program you with a voice either!" I jump out of the way as the bot launched a rocket at me. "I'm shutting you down." I pull out my remote and press the off button. But the robot doesn't  turn off. It runs at me and grabs me before I knew what was going on.
"Having a little robot malfunction?" Sonic smirks as I struggle to free myself from the robots grip.
"Shut up, this isn't my doing! And it's not a malfunction, someone else is controlling the robot." The robots grip on me tightens and I let out a cry in pain.
"Let go of me you hunk of junk!" I screech. Suddenly, I fall to the ground, landing on my rear. "Ow!"
I look up to see Sonic on the bots shoulder. The arm that held me had been cut clean off. The robot tried to rid of the unwelcome hog, but failed to do so.
"Sorry about this." Sonic grabbed the robots head and, after a bit of struggling, ripped the head off. The robot started to fall, almost on me.
"Oh crap!" I run out of the way just in time. The bot hit the ground with a thud. I sighed relived.
"That was fun." Sonic smiled, brushing off his hands.
I run my hand though my quills. "Looks like it's back to the drawing board. Oh well, I didn't really expect for this to go so smoothly. First time I've ever made a robot." I sighed and walked over to the bot. "I just wonder who was able to control my robot. I only finished it yesterday." I frown at the thought. Sonic and his friends couldn't possibly have done this. They knew nothing of the bot before now.
"Are you forgetting something?" I turn to see Shadow next to me, arms crossed.
"Oh wow look at the time! I best be going, see ya!" With that I took off at high speed. But I didn't get very far, because I was tackled to the ground and my arms were pined to my back.
"Don't think you're getting away that easily." Shadow hissed in my ear. I struggle to get back up, but Shadow didn't budge. I wriggled and shifted, trying anything to get away, but, nothing worked. Cold metal presses itself into the back of my neck and there's a loud click. I froze as my heart accelerates with fear.
"If you move a inch, I'll fire." Shadow said darkly. He reached into my jacket pocket, pulling out the red Chaos Emerald I used to power the robot. Now that I think about it, that may not have been the brightest idea. He held it in the air and yelled. "Chaos Control!"
The emerald started to glow bright. So bright in fact that at one point I had to close my eyes. A just like that, we were gone in a flash of light.

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