Chapter 13: Shopping Time... Kill Me

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The next morning I awake at five in the morning. How I did that is WAAAAAY beyond me. Normally I sleep in, oh well. I stretch and make my way downstairs quietly. Once I'm in the living room, I take in the room. Before, I payed no mind to the neat room before now. The walls were white, with dark brown flooring. Light blue couches and arm chairs along with a flat screen on the wall. The dining room is connected to the living room in a open floor plan. Sleek dark oak wood carved to the shape of a oval for the table. Adding the darker blue chairs makes the room look comforting. Dividing the dining area from the kitchen is a grey bar, this connected to the counters. Going along with the dark oak theme are the cabinets. The floor flows from oak to white tile in the kitchen. I have to say, Sonic has a beautiful home.

"Like the view?" I jump and spin around to find Sonic behind me.

"Sonic the Hedgehog! Give me a heart attack why don't you!" I scolded him.

Sonic chuckles. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

I cross my arms. "You didn't scare me... You startled me."

"Sure, lets go with that." Sonic said walking past me into the kitchen.

"Its true!" I follow. "I don't scare easy."

He raised a eyebrow. "Oh really?" I nod and his eyes widen. "Shadow put the gun down!"

"Ek!" I hid behind Sonic, thinking Shadow was behind me.

Sonic starts to laugh. "Oh yeah, totally not scared."

I growl and step away from him. "S-shut up!" I mentally kicked myself for being a scared cat. But the thought of Shadow sends shivers though my quills. Something about him rubs me the wrong way.

"You hungry?" Sonic asked pulling out left over chili dogs from last night.

"A little." He holds out a chili dog, but I shake my head. "No thanks."

"Don't you like chili dogs?" Sonic tilted his head. "You ate them last night."

"They arn't bad. But not all that great either." I shrug. "Not my fav."

Sonic gasped and placed his hand over his heart. "Don't like chili dogs?! I can no longer be your friend!"

I gave him a blank stare. "Your joking right?" He isn't serious is he? Not being someones friend just because they don't like what you do? That's stupid. Sonic shook his head and laughed.

"Yeah I'm kidding. Its fine if you don't like em, we can find something you do like." He offered me a cheeky smile, which I return.

We rummage though his fridge until Sonic came across some frozen burgers. "Burgers?" I glance at Sonic, he nodded and started up the skillet. Soon, we're sitting at the table eating.

"So? You like em?" Sonic asked as I finish the burger.

"Love em." I smile.

"Cool, so Zara." I look up at him. "I was thinking you and Amy could go shopping today."

"Shopping?" The word seemed to disgust me.

"Yeah, the only thing you have is that outfit and its all torn." Sonic pointed and i look down at my black t-shirt and jeans. He was right, my cloths were nothing but tattered rags now. Even my blue jacket was worn. Okay, so maybe cloths shopping isn't too bad of a idea.

"Okay... You have a point." I laughed nervously. I glanced at the time. Seven already?! Time fly's, where does it go? A knock on the door pulls me back to the here and now.

"I'll get it." Sonic jumped out of his seat and raced to the door. He opens the door and two pick hedgehogs stand in the doorway. I recognized Amy, but the other I didn't know. Sonic gave the other pink hedgehog a hug. "Hey sis!"

"Sis?" I stand walk over to them.

Sonic turned to me. "Zara, meet my sister Sonia. Sonia, this is Zara."

Sonia smiled and stuck out her hand. "Hello, a pleasure to meet you."

"Erm... You too." I shake her hand, flashing her a uneasy smile. What can I say? Meeting new people can be overwhelming at times. 

"Well what are we waiting for?" Amy grabbed my arm. "Shopping time!" Without even asking if I was ready, I was yanked out of the house. Amy dragging me away with Sonia following right behind.

Shopping time oh boy... Kill me now

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