1. Love

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"My love please be careful. Maybe it's not a good idea to leave you alone. I should stay home." My husband repeated the same thing for the fifth time now.

"Babe don't worry anymore. I just slipped, nothing bad happened. Now go before you are late for work." I kissed his cheek trying to assure him that I would be fine by myself.

I tried pushing toward the door but he did not budge. He just turned around and gave me a stern look.

"Y/N, I'm serious. This is not a joke. You need to be more careful in your condition . Imagine if you fell and went into an early labour." He said all while hugging me in the process.

"I know and I'm sorry for taking it lightly. I just don't want you to worry so much. I promise I'll be more careful from now on. Now please go to work. You've been absent for two days now and that not good. I'll be safe." I assured him and pecked his lips.

"Just promise to call me if anything happens, okay." He embraced me one more time.

"I promise."

He kissed me one more time before rushing out the door not forgetting to send me a flying kiss. I giggled as I pretended to catch it.


I would have never imagined my life would turn out like this. So perfect. Hoseok and I first when we were five and we had been best friends since that day.

We were inseparable and did everything together. When high school came he finally confessed his feeling for me and luckily I felt the same. We began dating and a year after our collage graduation we got married. Many people complained that we were too young but we were always happy with our decisions. Two years after that I found out that I was pregnant and now here I am with my eight months belly bump enjoying my life.

The hone rang breaking me out if my thoughts. I smiled widely as I saw who was calling.

"Hello." I exclaimed happily and heard him chuckle at my behaviour.

"Hello baby, how are you doing?" He asked and I giggled loving every time he called me that.

"I am good now that you called. The baby and I miss you so much." I pouted even though he could not see me.

"Aw love I miss you too. I can't wait to come home so we can cuddle."

"Me too, I really want to se- oh babe I have an incoming call from Hyunia, I have to go now. I love you, bye."

"I love you too." He responded and hung up as I quickly answered my best friend's call.

"Hey Hyunnie."

"Hi babe, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm okay. Just a little bored and tired since Hobi is at work today. He's been very busy lately." I explained feeling a bit sad that I could not spend a lot of time with my husband like before.

But I understand that he wants to finish his work so that he can spend his with us after the baby is born. He is very thoughtful and loving.

"Well that's great because I want us to go shopping today. I know you have been cooped up in the house for a long time now." I lightly chuckled at her thoughtfulness.

"Oh Hyunnie you know I would love to but Hobi doesn't want me to go out without him. He wants me to be rested for when the baby comes and I think he is right." I explained and hoped that she would understand my concerns.

"Oh come on Y/N, we haven't spent time together in so long. It's always about Hoseok. I'm sure he will understand." She pushed on and I could not understand why she is getting angry.

"But Hyun-" she cut me off.

"No buts Y/N. You are coming with me and that's final! You will enjoy yourself." She exclaimed angrily and hung up.

I stared at the phone in shock wondering why she wanted me to go do bad.

I then quickly called my husband to inform him about me going out because I don't want him angry at me.

"Y/N, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go out. You are close to your due date. That if something happens?" He asked worridly.

"Hoseokie please... nothing is going to happen to me or the baby. I will be very carefulband Hyunia will be there to protect me. So don't worry." I tried to assure him but I know he is still concerned by the way he kept sighing.

"Okay but promise me that you will call me every thirty minutes and that you will text too. Make sure that you eat properly and also sit down regularly so your back and feet don't hurt. Wear something warm so you don't get co-" I cut him off as he continued to ramble on and on.

"Baby, I will be okay. I'm only going out fora few hours. I promise I will call you constantly and if I need anything. And also I will also be home before you come back. I love you okay." I said softly.

"Okay, I love you more. Be careful." He said and hesitently hung up.

I smiled and went to get ready.

As i added the finishing touches I heard the door bell ring. A sudden bad vibe hit me really hard making me stumble a little and place a hand by my heart. I breathed in a few times and the feeling disappeared.

I started thing a little more about what it was but my thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing again.

I went down to open the door and found Hyunia there. She immediately pulled me into a hug and the feeling from earlier came back but I played it off. A few seconds later it was gone as Hyunia pulled back.

"Let's go?" She yell happily while dragging me out the house.

She seemed a little but off today as I just felt a dark vibe around her. I shrugged it off a I thought that maybe it was just my hormones going crazy.

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