11. Work

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"Are you sure this is okay? We've never been separated for so long through the day." Jungkook asked for the millionth time.

"Kook I'm sure everything will be fine. Even if we were accepted at different work places we will still see each other at the end of the day. I need to start helping you out too. So please don't worry about me. I will also make sure to tell you about how my day went." I explained to him and pulled him into a hug.

"Okay but if anyone treats you badly just tell me and I will deal with them. Y/N I don't want anyone to hurt you. So please make sure to take care of yourself and call me whenever you have a break." He said and hugged me back.

"Of course I will Kook. I love you. Now get going before you are late on your first day." I said and backed away from the hug.

"I love you too. Be safe." He kissed my forehead before walking out the front door.

I sighed as I thought about how our lives were slowly changing. A few weeks ago Jungkook and I applied at the same companies for work but we got accepted in different places. It made me sad that I wouldn't see him for a majority of my day but we had to do this because we needed the money.

It took him a while to accept this but I managed to convince him and today was our first day. He was starting earlier then me that's why I was still at home. My work starts an hour later than his.


I looked up and couldn't believe that I was going to work in such a fancy place. It was huge and so modern.

How I managed to get here was mystery and how I managed to get the position as the boss' assistant was even more of a mystery.

I walked into the building and soon found the reception.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady sitting there asked with a friendly.

"Good morning. I am Jeon Y/N, the new assistant and today is my first day." I explained to her and she typed something on her computer before turning back to me.

"Ah you are the Boss' new assistant. You can find him on the top floor. His office is the only one on that floor and his name is written on the door." She explained and I thanked her before I went on my jouney to find my new boss.

When I finally got to the office I knocked on the door and waited for a responce.

"Come in." A deep yet familiar voice said and I walked into the room.

The moment I stepped inside I was captivated by how spacious and elegant it was. It had earthy colours that brought a warm feeling into the room. There were also family pictures around. I couldn't see their faces properly though.

"I did not hire to come and gawk at my office." The voice from earlier said rudely.

When I turned to the person who was now my new boss I could not help but to feel like my eyes were going to jump out of their sockets. There infront of me was the man who got into a fight the other day with Kook at the mall.

"You were not hired to stare at me either." He said rudely again but this time I could see a little smirk forking on the corner of his lips.

"It's y-you." I stuttered still in shock.

"Yes it's me. Now we don't have the whole day for you to stand there. Time is money so start working. Go get me a coffee." He commanded and I stayed in my position.

"S-sir where is the pantry?" I asked him.

"Well that's your job to figure out. I am not paying you to be clueless so start moving." He said before his eyes focused back on the screen.

I hesitantly left his office and went to try and find the pantry. There were no employees on this floor so maybe I could ask someone on another floor.


I was finally coming back with the coffee in my hand. Finding the pantry was a lot harder than I thought. Most of the people that I asked were either rude or just plain out ignored me after giving me dirty looks.

Who knew people could be so mean?

I knocked on his door once again and waited for a response. When I finally got it I went inside and place the coffee on his table. He took it without sparing me a glance.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? ARE YOU TRYING TO POISON ME?" He yelled as he spat out the coffee.

"NO SIR!" I also yelled as I was startled by his outburst.

"You know what just shut up and go sit on that sofa. I am not in the mood to deal with you right now." He said rudely as he went back to work.

"But sir, I'm supposed to be work-" he cut me off.

"I said shut up and sit down. You will start your work tomorrow. For right now just stop freaking bothering me." He said in an irretated voice.

I just shut my mouth and went to the sofa that he had pointed at. When I sat down a feeling of deja vu sudden hit me hard. It's like I had sat here before.

But how could I when I only came here today?


"Hobi-ah, stop this. We might get caught." I breathed out as I tried to stop the kiss.

"No one would dare walk into the boss's office without knocking and we are also alone on this floor baby, so no one can disturb us." He mumbled as he deepened the kiss.



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