9. Cry

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"Y/N..." He whispered not believing his own eyes.

Am I seeing this right?

He asked himself trying to process what he was seeing but soon the shock turned into anger. An anger that burnt like the flames in hell that could not be extinguished.

"Yes, do...do you know me?" She questioned smiling lightly that she may have found someone from her past.

Y/N's smile did fall though when she saw the reactions from both the man and woman. Behind the man the woman was staring at her with both confusion and hatred.

Just as she was about to say something the father of the little girl pulled her harshly to his side which made Y/N yelp at the sudden motion.

Jungkook was about to jump into action but the lady who was previously behind the man stopped him.

"Please let go s-sir. You are hurting me." She cried out which made Jungkook want to pounce on the guy and beat the crap out of him.

"HOW COULD YOU? HOW COULD YOU LEAVE, HUH? OUR DAUGHTERS? ME?" He yelled at her completely ignoring Jungkook.

"P-please you are hurting me. I-I don't even know you." She said as even more tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"You don't know me? YOU DON'T KNOW ME?! YOU SLUT!" He yelled and before she knew it she felt a stinging pain on her cheek.

The impact was so hard that it sent to the floor while a furious Jungkook broke out of the woman's grip and marched toward the man.

Jungkook sent him a hefty punch which also sent the man to the ground.

"HOSEOK!" The woman screeched and was immediately by his side helping him up.

Hoseok though did not care about Hyunia trying to help him as he dove into Jungkook who was about to bring Y/N into his embrace.

The two rolled on the floor throwing punches at one another not caring about anyone else. Y/N wanted to help Jungkook out but she knew if she got caught up in that mess she would not come alive so she did the next best thing and went to get security.

Hyunia and the rest of the people just stood there watching while some took out their phones to record the ordeal.

When security came they managed to pull the two apart without any of them killing one another but it did not stop them from cursing at one another.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" Jungkook asked spitting out some blood. His gaze did not move from Hoseok though.

"THAT LITTLE SLUT RIGHT THERE IS MY PROBLEM!" Hoseok yelled back. His words filled with venom.

"DON'T TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT!" Jungkook spat out and tried to lung at him.

"Oh did I offend your b*tch?" Hoseok asked sarcastically which fired jungkook up.

The security guards were having a hard time holding him back. When Y/N saw this she immediately rushed to his side and cupped his cheeks.

"Kook please stop this. He is only saying this to make you angry." She whispered to him and immediately his eyes softened.

"Okay." He responded back and placed a kiss on her forehead.

The security guards let him go as they saw that he was finally calm now. The two immediately embraced one another tightly.

When Hoseok saw this he began seeing red. A burning feeling pierced through his heart.

He was ready to attack again but a small sob caught his attention. When he looked in the direction it came from his heart immediately sank. There were his precious babies hiding behind a pillar crying.

He had just gotten into a fight infront of his little daughters.

"My babies..." He whispered as he walked in their direction but the two little girls cowered from him in fear and his even more behind the pillar.

"My loves, I'm sorry... Please forgive daddy." He pleased with them in the softest voice he could master.

The little girls did not like seeing their daddy sad so they both gradually came to him with Erelah leading the way.


After all the commotion was settled they were all asked to leave the mall. When they got outside they all turned and headed in different directions.

"Y/N-ah are you sure that you are okay? Do we need to see a doctor?" He asked, concern rich in his voice.

"Kookie I'm okay and I should be the one to ask you that. You got into a fight because of me. I'm s-sorry." She mumbled blinking the tears away.

When Jungkook saw this he felt his heart break. Seeing Y/N cry always hurt him.

"Y/N-ah it was not your fault. He hurt you and I defended you because I love you and you matter to me the most in this world. I don't want anyone to ever hurt you so please don't blame yourself for what happened back there." He comforted her.

"Thank you Kookie and I love you too." She said and hugged him tightly again making sure not to touch any of his wounds in the process.

On the other side of the city all hell broke loose as the Jungs and Hyunia got home. Though Hoseok did firstly make sure that his children were down for their afternoon nap before he had his melt down.

And luck was even more on his side because his children were heavy sleepers and wouldn't hear a thing.

Vases were crushing against the walls as he threw whatever he could get his hands on. It did not make him feel any better but he just had the need to do it.

"WHY THE HELL IS SHE BACK AFTER SO MANY YEARS?! WHY?!" He yelled and gripped his hair tightly as he broke out of his trance of breaking things.

"Why is she back?" This time he merely whispered as his legs crumbled under him causing him to land on the floor with a loud thud.

Tears immediately made their way down his cheeks and before he knew it he was full on crying. Hyunia watched the man she loved lose it over his first love appearance and she knew it was finally her turn even if she had been trying for years without him giving her a chance.

Even though she was scared and confused about how Y/N was still alive she pushed it aside to be by the side of the man she loved.

"Seokie please calm down. She is not worth your pain and tears." She whispered bitterly as she held him tightly.

Hoseok did not say anything as he cried in her arms.


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