4. Hate

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As soon as I recieved the call I rushed to the hospital. Y/N had given birth and I was not even there to watch my baby being born.

Why was I not informed before?

When I arrived at the hospital I ran inside without thinking. I found Hyunia there with puffy red eyes.

"Where are they?" I asked without even bothering to greet her.

"H-Hoseok..." She said hesitantly making me impatient.

"Hyunia where are my wife and daughter?" I asked firmly.

"Hoseok I have to tell you something first." She said again but this time more hesitant.

"No you can tell me after I see my family."

"What I have to tell is about them. You need to know this before you can see them..." She sighed out making me frustrated.

"Ok then speak fast. I just want to see them already." I said in an impatient tone. She took a big breath before speaking.

"Y/N... She ran away." She said and I then looked at her as if she had just grown a second head.

"You know what I don't have time for your stupid jokes. I will just go ask someone else where my wife and daughter are." I raised my voice and bit and then turned to walk away but she grabbed my wrist stopping me.

"Hoseok I am being serious. After she gave birth she ran away. She told me to give the babies to you. She said she was not ready for such a huge responsibility." she said but this time her tone was firm.

I just looked at her in disbelief not believing her for a minute.

"I don't believe you. I know my wife would never do that. She was excited about meeting our child. So just stop your lies and TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" I yelled as I was now on the verge of pulling her hair out.

"Hoseok I am not joking. She ran away and left the babies I tried to convince her to stay but she did not listen. I am sorry you have to go through this." She patted my shoulder but I jerked away.

I was beyond furious but what did catch my attention was when she said babies. I thought she said it wrong the first time.

"W-what do you mean by babies." I asked feeling that my heart was going to sink even more now.

"Y/N gave birth to twins." She said making me want to cry even more now.

"Wha-where are my babies?" I asked softly not having any strength left in me after the news I had just found out.

"They are in the nursery. I can lead you there if you'd like." She offered and I just nodded. Tears were pooling in my eyes but I held them back not wanting to cry over someone who was capable of leaving my children and I without a second thought.

Once we arrived Hyunia spoke to the nurse and I was taken to a private room to meet my babies.

"H-how are they?" I asked her as she picked them up.

"You don't need to worry about anything Mr Jung. Your baby girls are healthy and I'm sure you will be able to take them home soon." She said and then handed them to me gently. I muttered a small thank you and then sat on the chair that was there.

When I held them for the first time my heart both flattered and sank. They were so beautiful and looked exactly like her.

How could she give up on this?

Before I knew it I started breaking down as I continued to look at their pretty faces. I cried like I had never cried before.

This was the best and worst day of my life. My daughters were finally born but their mother left us. Without thinking about how I would feel. About how our daughters would feel.

After a little bit I stopped crying quickly as I heard the door to the room open. I nurse with a huge smile walked in.

"I am sorry to interrupt your moment Mr Jung but we need you to fill in the necessary documents so that you can be able to take your lovely daughters home." She said still with the huge smile that she walked in with.

"Okay please give me a moment and I will be out."

"Sure thing Mr Jung." She replied and went out.

I then looked back at my daughters. They were both so innocent. They did not deserve what their heartless mother did to them and I knew from that moment on I would do anything to protect my little babies from this cruel world even if it cost me my own life.

That moment a deep hatred also started to grow in me. A hatred that not even my love for her could control.

That day I gained two loves of my life but also on that day I lost another love of my life.

I hate you Jung Y/N...

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