16. Believe

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Her eyes opened slowly before quickly shutting again due to the bright light. She waited a couple of seconds before opening them again and letting them adjust to the light. When they finally adjusted she realized that she was no longer in the office but in a hospital room.

"Ah you are finally awake Ms Jeon." The voice of her boss made her head quickly snap toward his direction.

She couldn't help but to just stare at him as all her memories began to flood back. Her eyes teared up as she just stared at the man she loved so very much.

"You should really start talking better care of yourself. I don't want to be the one taking care of you everytime you faint me Jeon." He said to her rudely and waited for her response but it never came as she only stared at him with nothing but love.

"What?" He asked her finally noticing her stare.

"M-my sunshine..." She whispered but he was able to hear it and it left him in shock.

He had not heard that nickname in so many years.

"W-what did y-you just s-say?" He stuttered not believing that he had actually heard her correctly.

"I-I got my memories back." She now stuttered in shock as she gently touched her head still staring at the man whose question was still unanswered.

"Hoseok... the babies... m-my babies are they alright?" She asked as she started panicking.

The memories from that horrible day flashing like crazy in her mind. She could only pray that her children were alright otherwise she would never forgive herself if they got hurt while she was not able to protect them.

Hoseo, could help but to scoff as he sent her a harsh glare.

"So now you pretend yo remember them! They are not yours they are mine! You don't have the right any fxcking right yo call them after you abandoned them!" He spat out in rage causing her to flinch.

"H-Hobi... I-I didn-" she tried to defend herself but he cut her off.

"DON'T FXCKING CALL ME THAT! YOU LOST THAT RIGHT WHEN YOU DECIDED TO LEAVE US! JUST FXCKING OWN UP TO YOUR MISTAKES AND STOP DENYING THEM!" He yelled and took harsh steps toward her making her cower in fear of what he was going to do to her.

"I-I d-didn't abandon you or our kids Hoseok... Hyunia she planned all this... She took me to a forest that day and planned to kill me... I would never leave you my suns-" again she was cut off by him raising a hand toward her.

Just as it was about to strike her he stopped himself. Y/N who had her eyes closed slowly opened them when she didn't feel anything after a good minute.

"Y-you are not worth it... Hyunia saved my daughters that day after you decided to abandon them the moment they were born. Do not blame innocent people for your decisions... and don't ever call my children yours because they are not. They are my babies and I will make sure they never know of the horribly mother they have. You will never see them so you can stop this innocent act of yours because I will never believe it. Just show me your true colours like you did before." He spat out as he retracted his hand and took slow steps back.

"H-Hoseok..." She desperately called to him as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Her heart was breaking into a million pieces as she vould only watch him as he reached the door.

"I called you boyfriend... he'll be here any minute now." He said as he opened the door only to be met by the exact person he was talking about.

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock as he was meant with the face of them man he began to loathe the most.

"What the fxck are you doing here?!" He asked sharply as he restrained himself from punching this man again.

"I brought your girlfriend here so be more appreciative." Hoseok answered snuggly enjoying the rage that took over Jungkook's facial features.

"You are her boss?" Jungkook asked.

"So she didn't tell you. Ha... what a bxtch." Was all Hoseok said before pushing Jungkook out of the way and walking out with out bothering to look back at the woman who was crying on the bed.

Jungkook was about to pounce him but stopped immediately as he heard a sob from inside the room. He felt his heart immediately drop as he turned and saw the person he loved the most crying into her hands.

"Y/N..." he called before he rushed to her side and threw his arms around her.

Y/N began to cry even more as she felt the familiar arms wrap around her.

"K-Kook... H-he doesn't b-elieve m-me." She cried as he clung onto him.

As he tried to comfort her Jungkook swore to himself that he was going to find that man and kill him for making his sister cry. And he was going to make sure his death was a very painful one.

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