13. Party

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Two weeks had now passed since Y/N had started working for Hoseok and to say that she was tired was an understatement. He would call her for every little thing. Things such as even picking up a pen that he had dropped.

Y/N was beyond tired but she was not going to let this make her quit. She was keeping  up with this man only for Jungkook's sake because she knew he needed help with the bills otherwise she would have been long gone. Her boss was really unbearable.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Jungkook asked as he walked into the living room and found her on the sofa with her work clothes still on.

"Yeah Kook. No need to worry about me." She answered tiredly with her eyes still closed.

Jungkook looked at her with concern. Lately she had been coming home from work completely tired to the point she she wouldn't even eat.

"Are they over working you?" He asked with a stern voice as the thought popped into his head.

"No of course not." She said and quickly sat up which was not a very good idea.

Her head began pounding. She tried not to show that she was in pain but Jungkook knew her like the back of his hand. He knew that she was in pain.

He sighed before going to get some pain killers and water. When he got back he gently handed her the water and pain killers.

"Y/N I know that you are trying to do this for me but if they are not treating you right then you need to leave that place. I don't like to see you like this just because you want to try and help me out. My job pays well and I can support the both of us." He said as he watched her swallow the pills.

"Kook, I am okay really. If anything was happening there I would tell you. I am just trying to figure how things work and I am also a little slow since I haven't worked before. I promise that you don't need to worry about me when I am at work." She said trying to reassure him.

He just nodded though he did not believe her. He decided that it was best not to push the matter any further.

"You better stick to your words... Anyway my boss is having a party on Saturday and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" He asked and recieved a very enthusiastic nod from her.

"Of course I would. I want to meet your boss." She responded happily which made him chuckle at her childish behaviour.


The night of the party came quicker than they anticipated. Y/N was a little nervous, she hadn't been to a party in such a long time.

But what comforted her was the fact that Jungkook was always there by her side.

"Uh Y/N..." He called her and by the tone in his voice she already knew what he wanted but couldn't help but to roll her eyes at him.

The is was like the fifth time in one hour.

"Don't tell me you have to go to the restroom again." Y/N said in an irritated voice.

Jungkook could only sheepishly smile as he looked at the woman.

"Whatever just go. But no more drinks for you after this." She said and Jungkook only kissed her cheek before hurrying to the men's room.

It hadn't been more than a minute before someone came up to her.

"Excuse me miss." A voice called out for her and when she looked up she couldn't help but to freeze.

The man also froze but not before letting out a gasp in shock.

"Y/N..." He whispered as tears began to pool in his eyes.

Before she could say anything to him she was pulled into his hard chest. As the man hugged the life out of her she just stood awkwardly in his arms not knowing what to do or say.

She had noticed that since she and Jungkook had moved into this new city she had only come face to face with some weird encounters.

"Y/N?" She heard and when she looked up she saw Jungkook looking at both her and the man weirdly.

She immediately gave him a look to help her. Just before Jungkook could do anything the man pulled back and cupped her cheeks before leaning forward to kiss he forhead. This shocked the other two but Jungook was the first to break out of it before stepping around the man and pulling Y/N away from him.

"Mr Kim?" Jungkook asked in confusion as he now noticed that it was his boss who was hugging.

"Kook do know him?" Y/N whispered hoping the other man didn't hear but he did. Jungkook just nodded while still staring at the other man.

"Mr Kim may I ask why you were hugging my sister?" Jungkook asked but he did not get a response as the man continued to stare st Y/N which made her a bit uncomfortable.

Jungkook noticing this pulled her behind him which made the older male break out of his trance completely.

"Y-your sister?"

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