24. Mommy

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She furiously slammed the door as her mind went haywire with everything that happened earlier on in the day.

All of her hard work had just gone down the Darian and there was nothing that she could do to salvage any of it.

"THAT BXTCH!" She yelled as she grabbed a vase and threw it across the room.

Not long after furious tears began to roll down her cheek as she began to wail loudly in sorrow.

"I lost him.... I lost him..." She repeated which made her cry even more.

"But if I can't have him then she won't have him... SHE WONT HAVE HIM!" Shee yelled as she began messing her living room.

Breaking everything until there was nothing left.


A huge smile displayed itself on her face as she impatiently waited for the door to be opened.

"Calm down Y/N or you are going to end up breaking the door down." Jungkook said and he pulled her had away from the door while giggling at her impatience.

Her two brothers stood at her sides also awaiting the happy moment where their sister finally met her daughters.

After she explained everything to Hoseok a few nights ago they agreed that she would finally meet her daughters on Saturday morning.

When the door finally opened Y/N felt herself stiffen. Her smile turned into a frown and immediately nerves began to creep into her body.

"Good morning... please come in." Hoseok said with a smile but it disappeared when he saw Y/N's face.

"What's wrong?" He asked making her brothers turn to her with concerned looks.

"I-I don't think I am ready to do this." She told them with a slightly scared expression.

Only now had reality set on her. This moment would change her life.

What if they didn't like her?

This would break her entire being.

"Y/N that's just your nerves talking. You are ready to do this. Don't make your daughters wait for you to love them. Don't let your fears stop you." Taehyung said and let her inside while she just hesitantly nodded.

Hoseok was the first on e to arrive in the living room followed by Taehyung which caught the twins attention.

"Babies there is someone I would like for you to meet." Hoseok started and looked to the hallway where Y/N stood frozen.

"Uncle Tae?" Erelah question making the two laugh while Y/N felt her heart begin to race.

Her voice sounded like music to her ears and she couldn't help but to tear up.

"Walk Y/N." Jungkook whispered to her and nudged her forward.

She didn't move anymore and he sighed out for holding her waist and pushing her forward.

When she came into view of the two girls is when her tears began to fall. The more she stared at them the more she began to cry.

"My babies." She whispered with a teary smile  but it soon faded when she saw both girls run and hide behind their father.

"Bad lady and man daddy." Erelah whispered not so subtly making the whole room fall silent.

Y/N felt her heart drop as she stumbled back into Jungkook's chest. This was what she was afraid of. That day at the mall impacted them greatly.

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