7. Leaving

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I that my sister disappeared I knew that Hyunia had something to did with it.


"It's time to wake up." I said trying to wake up the stubborn girl.

"Please just five more minutes Kook." She mumbled before covering her head with the blankets.

"No Y/N you need to wake up now or we are going to miss out bus." I said and continued to shake her.

"Aish okay. Now go away so I can change." She swatted my hand away.


I had been searching for them in the spot from earlier but there was nothing there which led me to be looking for them even on the edges of the forest. I still could not find them even after an hour of searching but I did find something else.

As I continued walking around I came across the body of a young woman. She looked around the same age as me. The problem was that she was bleeding from both her head and private area.

I checked her pulse and breathing and it was still there but faintly. From the amount of blood on the ground I could tell she had been there for a few hours now. I also knew if she was there any longer then she would be dead.

I picked her up gently and started walking to the nearest clinic that I knew of since I did not have a car. Her state was becoming worse which made me panic even more and also pick up my pace to the point that I even started running.

After about thirty minutes of running I finally arrived at the place and got her the place that she needed. As I waited in the waiting room for some news I could not help but wonder what happened to the poor lady.

An hour passed before the doctor came out of the emergency room. I quickly stood up and rushed to him.

"We managed to stop the bleeding and we were able to stabilize her. The area in her private area shows that she gave birth a few hours ago. The blow to the head did though cause problems in her brain. She is going to wake up with amnesia. We are not certain for how long though. We will be keeping her here for a few more days then she will be able to go home." He explained in a calm tone as I stood there shocked by the news.

She just gave birth? Then where is the baby? Why the hell was she there?

"If I may ask, what relation do you have with this patient? And where is the baby?" He asked making my mind go blank for a while.

"I-I...um... I am her brother. I don't know where the baby is. I found my sister in the forest and I want to file a police report but I had to touch her here." I explained while cursing myself mentally for stuttering as I saw the doctor giving me a suspicious look

"Well I suggest you do that fast because whoever did this wanted to kill your sister. Now if you will excuse me." He said and took his leave after I mumbled a small thank you.

I stood in the hallway for a bit before heading into the lady's room. She laid on the bed with a lot of wires connected to her.

"I hope you wake up soon." I whispered and held her hand.


"JUNG Y/N, YOU BETTER BE OUT OF THE BED BY THE TIME I GET THERE OR ELSE YOU WILL FACE THE CONSEQUENCES." I yelled and chuckled loudly as I heard a loud thud from the next room.

Ten minutes later she came out with a new outfit and a huge smile on her face. She kissed my cheek as we greeted each other good morning.

"Kook, why exactly did you wake me up so early in the morning? I don't remember us having to go the market today." She asked and all I could do was to stare at her blankly as she suffered her face with almost all the food.

Ever since she woke up from the coma she has been forgetting things. The doctor said it was the side effects of being in a coma for so long. She was asleep for four months.

"Whot?" She asked with her mouth still full when she saw that I was not responding to her questions.

"Nothing you are just really forgetful. Today we are moving to Seoul so that can have a better life." I responded before sipping my coffee and she just responded with a simple oh.

Over the years we formed a sibling bond even though I did not know her nor did she remember anything from her life. We were happy together and that's all that mattered.

After breakfast we packed the last of our things before we started heading out.

"I am really going to miss this place." Y/N voiced out her thoughts which made me turn to her.

I then turned to look at the place I called home and I could not help but feel sad. I had lived here for so many years and now I was moving but it was for the greater good.

"I know. I will too but this move is going to help us a lot." I gave her a side hug and we walked out the door toward our new life. 

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