5. Fight

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A total of four years passed by in flash since the incident. At the beginning I still had hope that she would come back but it never happened. After a year all my hopes were crushed but I stayed strong for my princesses.

As for my little babies they had grown into beautiful young ladies, both with sweet personalities but also very different from one another.

My first baby Jung Erelah Kyung-Ji is quite a hand full and she loves giving me trouble. She took most of my traits while my other princess Jung Eirenae Leigh-Yon took most of her mother's genes. She look exactly like her which saddens me but it does not mean that I love my baby any less.

They are both my life and I would never trade them for anything in the world.

It has been hard taking care of the babies but I managed with the help of both Hyunia and Taehyung who is Y/N's brother. Even though I hated his sister I could not keep him away from his nieces.

Taehyung though did believe that Y/N did not run away. Whenever he came here he tried to convince me that she didn't run away but how could I believe that when she left all those years ago and never came back. We always argued about it which again led us to this heated moment right now.

"Hobi hyung, don't you think its time you start telling the girls about their mother?" He asked as he sat on the chair across from me.

My blood began boiling at the mention of her but I remained calm not wanting to outburst in rage as my babies were in the living room not too far from here.

"And what would I tell them about her huh? That she was a coward and ran away from her duties as a mother or maybe that she did not love them enough to stay with them?" I asked in an aggressive manner which led him to shut his mouth.

I gave him a couple of seconds to respond but he just kept quiet which made me even angrier.

"Tell me Kim Taehyung. What should I tell them?" I spat out the words harshly.

"Hyung my sister did not run away. I know her and she would never do that." He decided to speak up.


"You sure as hell know that she did not come back after their birth. Hyunia was there and told me that your stupid sister said she was not ready. What do you want me to do, huh? Give my children false hope that their mother loves them and will come back? Well no Kim Taehyung I will not do that. She is not coming back so stop living in your fantasy world. I learnt that the hard way. So you better stop bringing that stupid b*tch up or I will not allow you to see the girls." I spoke out harshly before turning to walk away.

"My sister would never do that and I know it. Hyunia is lying and I am going to prove it to you. And you know what you are going to do, you are going to regret the way you talked about her. I will keep bringing her up because she is their mother. They need to know about her. You cannot keep the truth away from them. If you won't tell them then I will." He said as he stood up and came to stand right infront of me.

"I swear that if you ever mention that woman to my children I will make sure that I get a restraining order against you and that you will never see my girls again. Don't test me Kim Taehyung otherwise you will learn the hard way." I spoke in a low tone.

At this moment we were face to face and our noses were almost touching. If looks could kill we would both be dead from the glares we were sending each other.

"Daddy..." I heard a little voice calling me and I immediately moved away from Taehyung not forgetting to send him a last glare.

"What is it princess?" I asked as I picked her up.

"I hungry." She said which made me laugh at her cuteness.

I then put her on her chair before giving her something to snack on while I began preparing dinner. Not long after I saw Eirenae at the kitchen entrance as well.

"Hungry my baby?" I asked and she nodded. She was a child of a few words.

"Let's get my other baby something to eat as well then." I picked her up and she let out a few giggles before settling.

"Okay then I will get going. Bye girls... Bye hyung." Taehyung said sweetly to the girls but when he turned to me to say the same but it was more in an upset tone.

"Bye-bye uncle Taetae." Both girls bid him goodbye not seeming to have noticed his tone from earlier.

He gave them both a kiss on the head before walking out of the kitchen. My gaze lingered on him until he disappeared and then I let out a long breathe which I did not notice I was holding.

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