3. Water

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M-my water b-broke...

Panic started surging through me as a contraction suddenly hit my lower region. I squeezed tightly on the arm of the chair and the door handel until the pain faded away.

"Hyunia ple-please take me to the hospital. My water broke." I begged her with tears in my eyes just wanting my baby to be safe.

"Oh wow. What great timing that baby of yours has? I guess she did not want to die with her pathetic mommy. And I am not taking you anywhere. You will give birth here if you have to and then die." She said maniacally.

I could not contain the tears anymore and started crying even more because of the pain I was and also because of the horrible situation.

I could see that she did not care in the least bit that I was in pain and was about to give birth here. To show me that she really did not care she sat comfortably with one leg crossed over the other while filing her nails.

I cried out again as I felt another contraction hit. This one seemed to last forever. I then felt something start coming out. I realized that it was the baby. I was kind of shocked that the baby was coming so fast when I saw other women in labour for hours maybe even days.

"Hyunia please h-help me deliver her... safely at least. S-she has done nothing wrong..." I begged even more feeling the pain becoming unbearable.

"Ew, why would I want to touch that thing. Imagine how bloody and slimy it will be when it comes out of you. Gross." She shivered in disgust as she looked at me then looked away continuing her business.

"Hyunia I am b-begging... you. Plea-se do... do i-It for the friends-ship that we had. M-my baby did nothing w-wrong. Please do...don't punish her for my mistakes. Take your anger... o-out on me not her...pl-please."

"Nope." She went back to filing her nails with a smile on her face.

"Mmmh..." I groaned as I felt the urge to start pushing and I began doing so when I felt another contraction hit.

"Pl-please... please. At least... at least do it for H-Hoseok. H-he would be heart... broken if... if something ha-happened to his b-baby." That seemed to change her mind as she thought about it for a bit.

"Fine. I'll do it because I know how much he loves that little creature of yours." She agreed and got out of the car to help me into backseat.

She helped me lay on my back and then pulled of my leggings.

"I can see the head. You need a few more pushes until she is fully out." She said getting into a professional mode that I had never seen before.

I began pushing everytime I felt the need to. After what seemed like forever I heard my baby's first cries which made me cry harder. Hyunia than cut the umbilical cord with a scissor which I don't know where she got.

She then wrapped my baby in a blanket that I had and handed her to me. I smiled and kissed her little head helping her calm down. She looked so much like her father. The joy didn't last long though as I felt another pain surging through me.

I began pushing again not understanding what was happening. I held my baby as carefully and gently as I could hopping I would not crush her in the process of pushing.

"Wha-what's happening. I thought you were only having one. Why is there another one?" Hyunia said in a panic before she prepared herself for the next one.

Well I thought so too...

I wanted to yell out but was in too much pain to do so and I also did not want her to lash out while I was giving birth. Again with what felt like forever the next baby finally came out.

"It's another girl." She announced.

Her cries filled the air making my other baby crying as well. Hyunia handed her to me and I quickly wrapped her up in the same blanket as her sister not wanting any of them to be cold.

"Well, it's time to die dear Y/N." Hyunia announced snatching my babies away from me almost dropping them in the process. My heart dropped when I saw this.

She couldn't even let me enjoy my babies before separating all of us. The worst part was that I couldn't even fight because of the pain that I was still in.

"Hyunia pl-please don't do this. They need me and I-I need them." She just ignored my pleas and pushed me out of the car after placing my babies in the front seat.

I landed on the Rocky road with a hard thump. My desperation lead me to screaming for help even though I knew there was nobody around to do so.

"It was nice knowing you dear Y/N. I'll take good care of your kids and even more special care of Hoseok, my future husband." She said before picking up a boulder and dropping it.

The thoughts of only my children and husband in my head before everything became dark and silent.

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