20. Alone

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Turning around Y/N couldn't help but to chuckle sarcastically as she was met with the face of her ex best friend.

"Are you really asking me that Hyunia? Aren't you the one who had no shame? If I am not mistaken I remember that it was you who not only ruined my family before it could be fully formed but also tried to kill me as well... so now tell me Hyunia who has no shame between the two of us?" She asked rhetorically as she stared at the other woman directly in the eyes.

"Just leave Hoseok alone you witch." Hyunia said not really knowing what to respond to Y/N's words.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that at all... after what you what you did my husband doesn't believe a single word that comes out of my mouth so congrats on your little win. I hope you are happy with yourself for ruining what was once a happy family." Y/N said lastly before walking away without out giving Hyunia a chance to even respond.

When she got to the office she softly knocked on her boss's door and waited for him to respond. When he did she opened the door and walked inside. She was kind of caught off by the sight of him looking at her expected.

"Good morning Mr Jung." She greeted him coldly and he felt his heart drop at the cold greeting.

"Good morning Ms Jeon. I hope you had a good night." He said trying to keep the conversation going but it soon died down when she simply nodded before going to her desk and putting her things down.

She knew what he was trying to do so she was not going to entertain him anymore. If he was not going to believe her than that was fine with her. She would find a way to see her daughters but as for Hoseok, if he chose to stay blind then that was all on him. She would only give him the time of day when he decided to finally open his eyes.

"A-are you alright Y/N?" He asked breaking her out of her thoughts.

She was shocked to hear him say her name after so long but she decided to shrugg it off as she nodded.

"Yes sir." She gave him another cold response which formed a pit in his stomach.


Lunch time had finally arrived and just as Y/N was about to stand up to make her way out of the office they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." Hoseok called and not even a second later did the door open.

"Hey babe... I brought lunch so we could eat together." Hyunia said as she walked in with two bags.

Hoseok's eyes immediately went to Y/N but she kept her expression emotionless.

"Alright." He answered and that is when Y/N stood up.

"Have a good lunch... if you will please excuse me." She said as she slowly grabbed her bag and made her way out of the office.

Her heart was beating so fast as if it were going to explode. As much as she tried to play unaffected it really hurt her so much. She wished so much that he would just believe her.

On the other hand Hoseok just stared at the door with pain in his eyes until he felt a hand creeping onto his chest.

"What are you doing?" He asked Hyunia as he grabbed ahold of her wrist and stared at her intensely.

"I just wanted a little kiss." She responded and tried to lean in but he pushed her away.

"Hyunia stop. Remember this is all an act to make Y/N jealous, nothing more nothing else. We do this only in front of Y/N. If you can't abide by our agreement then we better just stop now." He said and stood up to move away from her but came to a halt as she grabbed his wrist.

"But Hoseok don't you think you should move on from her now. She did abandon you and your daughters." She said trying to convince him but he just pulled away from her and shot her an angry look.

"You don't need to keep fxcking reminded me of what she did. It's not as if I am going to go back to her. All I want is for her to suffer the way she made me suffer." He responded.

"Then what better way of making her suffer then by marrying me." Hyunia smiled while Hoseok looked at her as if she had just gone crazy.

Why the hell was she taking about marriage when the had agreed that this was only an act.

"Hyunia are you out of your freaking mind?" He asked her and she looked as if he had just offended her in worst way humanly possible.

"This is just an act Hyunia. There won't be any marriage. I am not trying to get into a relationship when I am still not completely healed from my previous one. I thought we had established that when we first agreed to this but clearly not. I think we should just sto-" he said but she cut him off.

"NO NO... I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way. I was just thinking of us making her feel more pain. I didn't mean for it to sound like we would actually get into a real relationship. We don't need to stop." She lied through her teeth hoping that he would believe her.

Hoseok just looked at her skeptically.

"Hyunia I really hope that you are not catching feelings because I really don't want to hurt you. As much as I hate to admit it deep down I still love Y/N very much." He said and saw how her face dropped but just shrugged it off as he saw it quickly change.

"Of course I am not catching feelings for you Hoseok. I just want to help you because you suffered a lot from what Y/N did that's all." She answered calmly even though deep down she was burning in rage from his words.

How could he still love her when she did everything humanly possible to make sure he loathed Y/N.

"Alright then we will just continue this as we planned. Now let's eat because the food is getting cold." He said and she only fake smiled.

When lunch time ended Y/N came back to the office and she could only hope that Hyunia was already gone but it seemed thst luck was not on her side as she saw the woman close to her husband.

"Bye I'll see you at home." Hyunia said before softly pecking Hoseok's lips and turning to leave.

"He is mine." She discreetly whispered to Y/N as they passed by one another.

Y/N only sighed before walking to her desk without sparing a single glance at Hoseok.

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