22. Threaten

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The next couple of days went by rather quickly and Y/N could not believe that in just two days the week would be over.

Every single time she tried to talk with Hoseok Hyunia would up out of no whee and swoop him away leaving heartbroken Y/N behind. As much as she it pained her to see them together there was not much that she could doo.

All she wanted was to get her family back and see Hyunia behind bars but it seemed the universe was working against her. Even if she wanted to repost Hyunia for what she had done to her there was no evidence to prove any of what she said was true.

To the police it would just look like she ran away from her responsibilities and only decided to come back now because she felt bad.

"He is not here." She said as the woman she despised most walked into the office.

She looked down to continue her work but was cut off by Hyunia sitting on her desk.

"This might come as a surprise but I actually came here to see you. I already saw Hoseok leave for the meeting and too, this as the perfect opportunity to come and clear somethings with you." Hyunia said and twirled a lock of her hair in between her fingers.

"Is that so? And what exactly did you want to clear up now miss Hyunia. I hope you are not planning to kill me again." Y/N blankly responded and stood up moving away from the other woman.

It made her nauseous to even breathe the same air as her ex best friend.

"I want you to quit this job." She said as she jabbed off the desk and began making her way to Hoseok's one and sitting on the his chair.

"And why exactly would I do that Hyunia?" Y/N asked.

'Because you wouldn't want those precious babies of your to get hurt." Hyunia answered with a smirk making Y/N glare darkly at her.

"I swear if you dare touch a single hair on either of my daughters' heads I will kill." Y/N theatned as she slowly stalked her way toward Hyunia.

"Well then leave this place and never return. I don't want you near Hoseok... why the hell did you even come back. You should have stayed dead!" She exclaimed.

"Is it not enough that Hoseok already hates me for something that you cause?" Y/N asked wonder why this woman was not happy with what she already had.

"NO IT'S NOT! I want you out of our lives. In fact take those stupid brats with you because all they do is take his attention away from me!" She yelled angrily as she hit the desk and stood up.

"Don't insult my children Hyunia. You can say whatever the fxck you want about me but not them. They are innocent in all of this so keep them out if your hate!" Y/N spat out angrily as she finally reached Hyunia and stood a few steps away from her.

"I DONT CARE! All they ever do is take his attention. I wish I had just killed them tha-" she didn't mange to complete her sentence as a hard hit cut her off.

A mortified look displayed itself on her face as she held her cheek a slowly back to look at Y/N who glare at her dangerously.

"I told you to keep your anger away from my children. They did nothing wrong and will not be punished for my actions... you want to kill me like you attempted to do all those years ago, do it I don't care but if you try anything on my babies I swear I will unleash all hell on Hyunia. Because even though I was not in their lives until now I still have that mother instinct to protect them. I love them more than anything in this universe and I would be damned to let anyone hurt them especially you. I will lose my life if I have to, just to protect them. So do not test me Hyunia." Y/N threatened before pausing to glare directly into other woman's eyes.

Hyunia on the other hand couldn't help but shake in fear. The look in Y/N's eyes told her that she would die a very painful death if she even attempted to breathe near those little girls.

"You have Hoseok. He chose to believe you and not me so be happy with that... I can't even report you to the police even if I wanted to because I don't have any evidence. Be happy that you won't spend the rest of your pathetic life behind bars. Be happy that you will live the life I couldn't with my husband who you stole from me. Most of all be happy that I will be resigning in two days and you will never have to deal with me again. Just be happy with everything that you have achieved with your little schemes, but just know..." Y/N paused as she began walking away from Hyunia.

She stopped right by the door before turning to look at Hyunia again. Her eyes filled with hate and determination.

"Just know that if you ever lay a hand on either one of my babies that happiness of your will collapse to the point were it looked like never even happened." She said last before turning to the door and opening it but she did not take a step forward as she saw the shocked man who stood there with his eyes widened.

His eyes seemed to widen even more as if he had just realized something when he saw the blank look on her face as she just stared at him.

"Ah Mr Jung. I am taking an early leave today. Hope you have a good day sir." Her last statement dripped with sarcasm as she walked past him.

"Y-Y/N..." He called out to her after breaking out of his trance but she didn't bother to stop or look back.

She just keep to on moving forward. He chose not to listen to her now he and his girlfriend could decide on what to do next because it wasn't any of her business anymore. All she had to worry about now was her daughters.

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