25. Shot

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A groan left her lips as she slowly began to wake up. She opened her eyes but soon closed them again do to the bright light that filled the room. She slowly opened her eyes again and blinked the repeatedly until the blurriness was gone.

"About time you woke up you bxtch." She head the voice of hyunia say and immediately Y/N snapped her head in her direction.

The sight before her made her nauseous. Hyunia was holding a gun to the head of Eirenae.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Y/N yelled as she began to thrash around hoping that her bounds would break.

Her heart broke as she saw the tears that ran down her daughter's cheeks.

"You are in no position to make any demands here Y/N-Ah." Hyunia said as an evil smirk formed on her lips.

"Please don't hurt her Hyunia... kill me if you want but please don't touch her." She begged as her own tears began to form in her eyes.

The sound if Hyunia's laugh filled the room but what caught Y/N's attention was a whimper which did not come from Eirenae. She slowly turned her head to the sight and her eyes couldn't help but to widen when she saw that Hoseok and Erelah were tired next to each other with gags in their mouths making her heart break even more at the sight.

"Hyunia please let them go." She begged as she looked back to the witch who held her family hostage.

"Why should listen to you? You took him away from me and made him hate me and because of that you are going to pay!" She spat out and pressed the gun hard against Eirenae's temple making the let girl cry even louder.

"Eri B-baby please calm down... mommy will save you. I promise I will save you my love." Y/N said she tried to comfort the baby.

Behind her back she fiddle with the rope to try and free her wrists. It was burning her wrist but that did not matter at the moment because all that mattered was the safety of her family.

"Why are you lying to her Y/N. You know it's not good to lie to your children. You are all going to die here... and first it will be this little stuck up prick... you know this one never bothered to talk to me, its as if she thought she was better than me... at least the other brat pretended to be nice to me." Hyunia began complaining as if she were talking about adults instead of four year olds.

"S-She is a child Hyunia... she is shy, you can't expect her to break out of her bubble so quickly." Y/N spoke hoping it would distract Hyunia long enough for her to break out of her restraints.

"WHAT THE FXCK DO YOU MEAN SO QUICKLY?! ITS BEEN FOUR FXCKING YEARS!" She yelled and grabbed Eirenae's chin making her harshly face her.

"You are a little bxtch." She said to the little girl.

"Mmh mm." They heard fron the sound of the roombut only Hyunia turned to look while Y/N could only concentrate on her crying daughter.

"Don't worry my love. Your time will soon come but first I have to get rid of all these damn distractions." She said before letting go of the girl's chin and pointing the gun at her again.

Y/N could help but to sigh in relief as the rope fell from her wrist. She looked up and saw that Hyunia was still distracted from her and too this as a moment to take action.

Without wasting time she stood up and quietly walked her way towards hyunia before tackle her to the side also making sure that she did not her her baby.

"You bxtch I will kill you for touch my daughter!" Y/N spat our furiously as her fist collided with Hyunia's face. Hyunia did not stay still though as she fought back and managed to headbutt Y/N off of her.

She took this as an opportunity as she straddled on Y/N's hips and pointed the barrel of the gun directly at her face.

"I'm going to kill-" she stated but could finish her words as Y/N sent another punch to her face without any hesitation.

She went forward to grab the gun but the dazed Hyunia still had a good grip. Soon the two women were rolling on the floor fighting for position of the gun.

This continued on for a couple of minutes until two accidental shots went off making everyone freeze.

The two just looked at each other in shock with Y/N being ontop of Hyunia.

"Y-you shot me..." Hyunia whispered as blood began to form in her mouth.

With one last tug Y/N was able to pull herself and the gun away from Hyunia. She sat against the wall as she watched the blood seep out of Hyunia stomach.

She tried to find it in herself to feel bad for Hyunia and help her but she really couldn't. She actually found relief in watching Hyunia slowly die.

"M-mommy..." She heard a small voice call her and when her head snapped up she found that Eirenae had watched everything from her spot.

"B-baby..." She whispered back with tears already forming in her eyes.

She got up to stand but could help but fall back and hiss in pain. Only then did she notice the shot wound on her right thigh. She slowly touched it but hissed again in pain.

"M-mommy..." She heard Eirenae call her agin making her look up at her baby again.

This pain could wait, right now her baby needed her. With much difficulty did stand up and begin making her way to the restrained girl not forget to toss the gun to the far end of the livingroom.

When she finally reached the girl she kneeled down and began to untie her.

"M-mommy..." Eirenae cried and wrapped her arms around her mother's neck when she was finally free.

"It's okay my love... you are alright baby. Mommy will always keep you safe." Y/N whispered to her little girl as she held her tightly.

She also couldn't help but to softly smile remembering when the little girl had just called her. Though it was not in the best situation Eirenae finally accepted her as her mother.

"I love you so much my darling girl."

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