8. Lost

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"Well... this is...um...nice." I said as soon as we walked into our new apartment. It was quite small compared to out house in the town. Not that I was complaining though.

"I know it's not much but it's all we could afford with our little savings that we had left. With us being here, I'll get a better job and a nicer place for us to live in." Kook said with a bit of sadness.

"I know kook and I am very thankful for what you have done for me all these years. I will also get a job so that we can both contribute something and not just you." I responded and hugged him.

"Y/N You know you don't have to do that. I am here to take care of the both of us so you don't have to worry. Please just take it easy. I want you to fully recover first before thinking of getting a jo-" I cut him off.

"But that's not fair to you Kook. I can't just be living off your money for the rest of out lives. I need to help too. I know my memory is not the best right now but please let me do this for you." I pleaded with him but I could still se the doubt in his eyes.

"Bu-" he started but I cut him off once again.

"Please..." I continued to plead and this time I threw in the puppy dog eyes that I knew he could not resist.

"Ugh...fine but if you get too stressed out then I am making you leave that job. Understood?" He asked and all i did was squeal in excitement.

"Thank you Kookie." I said as I hugged him tightly.

"Okay not let stop talking so much and go and unpack. Tomorrow we have to go to the mall to get some clothes and other things that we will need for the house." He announced and I hummed before letting him go.


The following day Kookie and I walked around the mall trying to locate the things that we would need for the house. We had already bought clothes so at least that was one thing out of the way.

As we were walking I saw the figure of a small girl crouched down while crying. My heart broke as I heard her little sobs while nobody bothered to even help the poor baby.

"Kook look." I pointed at her before walking in her direction to see what the matter was.

"Hey there baby. Where are your parents?" I asked crouching down beside her.

She flinched though at the sight of my presence and I could see that she was about to cry even more.

"Oh no baby. Please dont cry. I just want to help you. You don't need to be afraid of me." I tried my best to reassure her but she was not having it.

"D-daddy say I no t-talk to stwangers." She responded cutely making my heart melt. I could not help but to fall in love with this little girl.

"I know that baby but I just want to help you to find your daddy." I said and this time she allowed me to touch her.

"W-eally?" She asked as her tears finally stopped.

"Yes baby. So will you let me help you to find your daddy?" I asked.

"YES!" She yelled before jumping into my arms. I would have fallen back if it was not for Kook being behind me.

"You seem to be really good with kids." Kook said as he helped me up.

"Really?" I asked with hopeful eyes.

"Really. I think you would be a great mother one day." He answered making me blush a bit.

I then smiled a bit before we made our to find the little girl's father. As we continued our search I saw a man who looked panicked and with him was a little girl who was dresses similar to the one I was holding.

I guess he is the father then?

I then showed Jungkook before we began making our way toward them.

"Excuse me sir, is she your daughter?" I asked as the man turns around in his frantic search.

Without answering he takes the girl into his embrace and kiss her whole face. He then turns to me but freezes when his eyes meet mine.


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